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LaTecia Thomas caught Lil Wayne cheating on her with bodybuilder Kimberly Rose
Wonder if Wayne ever fucked Drake then? Cause we know drake soft and probably takes dick Also someone please buy this and send it to Reginae Carter so she can see what daddy is really like
i cant believe no one cares, any other rapper or hip hop star that has had anything like this, it follows them until they die. I can't play music to my homies by a guy that does this, i know its ignorant, i know its not very nice...i know its waynes personal life but we're so immersed in it i mean look for gods sake, at least a couple thousand different threads all on everything from the colour of his dreads to how his voice sounds...this is wrong to be concerned about??
i cant believe no one cares, any other rapper or hip hop star that has had anything like this, it follows them until they die. I can't play music to my homies by a guy that does this, i know its ignorant, i know its not very nice...i know its waynes personal life but we're so immersed in it i mean look for gods sake, at least a couple thousand different threads all on everything from the colour of his dreads to how his voice sounds...this is wrong to be concerned about??
calm down man, it's not like he killed a person or something. He has some sort of fetishes probably. Is it weird? Yes. But I am more concerned about his drug use than this
This Kim lady said that Wayne had a seizure so bad that he was yelling at his crew to leave him alone, and Mack had to call Cita to get Wayne to listen but ya'll more pressed about who he dicking down.smh
I hope Cita live long because when she go Wayne gonna follow soon behind her. Its like she the only one that can talk sense into him.
i cant believe no one cares, any other rapper or hip hop star that has had anything like this, it follows them until they die. I can't play music to my homies by a guy that does this, i know its ignorant, i know its not very nice...i know its waynes personal life but we're so immersed in it i mean look for gods sake, at least a couple thousand different threads all on everything from the colour of his dreads to how his voice sounds...this is wrong to be concerned about??
what the fck lol you dont know how much of it is true first of all second of all its 2020 who gives a FUCK what this man does in his bed room LOL
in addition the book did celebrate the point that wayne always working on music and has a vibrant personality but SHOCKER his a human who has dark moments where he lashes out at people wow im sure you've never done that before! suck my dick bitch going play that da drought 3 a few millli times over just to spite yo ass for this bum ass post sick of this bs
i cant believe no one cares, any other rapper or hip hop star that has had anything like this, it follows them until they die. I can't play music to my homies by a guy that does this, i know its ignorant, i know its not very nice...i know its waynes personal life but we're so immersed in it i mean look for gods sake, at least a couple thousand different threads all on everything from the colour of his dreads to how his voice sounds...this is wrong to be concerned about??
Sounds like you are the problem here, getting all personal and shit. They really don’t teach critical thinking no more.
To the thread; just red few pages off the book and anyone who takes it seriously should take a long ass walk outside and weight the meaning of life.
i cant believe no one cares, any other rapper or hip hop star that has had anything like this, it follows them until they die. I can't play music to my homies by a guy that does this, i know its ignorant, i know its not very nice...i know its waynes personal life but we're so immersed in it i mean look for gods sake, at least a couple thousand different threads all on everything from the colour of his dreads to how his voice sounds...this is wrong to be concerned about??
This forum is just for his music. They don’t care if he likes dick every now and then b