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Wayne's haters are growing in numbers.....have you noticed?

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  • #13
    Re: Wayne's haters are growing in numbers.....have you noticed?

    Originally posted by Franknstein View Post
    il actually debate that
    i honestly believe Wayne has more haters than fans or rather the Haters are more vocal than the Fans Pick either
    agree, i do also think that weezy has more haters than fans.
    All haters i have spoken to, are only sayin its caus off the autotune.


    • #14
      Re: Wayne's haters are growing in numbers.....have you noticed?

      I See It Too Peol eJust Say It Because They Are Jealous


      • #15
        Re: Wayne's haters are growing in numbers.....have you noticed?

        Haters make him famous

        I lost all my money, I lost half my mind I can't find my direction, where is finish line?


        • #16
          Re: Wayne's haters are growing in numbers.....have you noticed?

          I think it's so fucking dumb, that all the Lil Wayne haterz use time to visit all his songs on YouTube, leave a hater-comment, then leave, and comment a new one?! WTF? Why use time? They must be fans then, and just don't wanna admit.


          • #17
            Re: Wayne's haters are growing in numbers.....have you noticed?

            Originally posted by Weezy_BestRapperAlive View Post
            More and more people are leaving youtube comments bashing Wayne on every other artists' songs, and even uploading videos titled "Lil Wayne sucks", etc.

            I mean it's ridiculous now. You see it EVERYWHERE. Go to ANY song by a good rapper on youtube and you will surely see comments like "This destroys Lil Wayne", or, " Lil Wayne, this is real hip-hop", etc.

            As a Lil Wayne addict and dedicated fan since 2004, I've been defending him nonstop on youtube (I can't help it, I just gotta say something when I see a comment that pisses me off) but man it's getting old.
            lol man ! this morning i was on youtube listening to biggie smalls ( maybe 10 songs ) each video has at least one hatting comment about wayne lol i was like WTF

            sorry about my english its not my first lan
            "Always had a black tool,even when i was at school 'cuz bullies aren't bulletproof..."


            • #18
              Re: Wayne's haters are growing in numbers.....have you noticed?

              Originally posted by Ghost93 View Post
              Youtube is the main place for any kind of haters. haha
              There's more racists than Lil Wayne haters on YouTube.


              • #19
                Re: Wayne's haters are growing in numbers.....have you noticed?

                lool wayne has more fans ppl who hardly go on the internet

                most of wayne's haters stick to the internet like noobs


                • #20
                  Re: Wayne's haters are growing in numbers.....have you noticed?

                  Originally posted by Weezy_BestRapperAlive View Post
                  More and more people are leaving youtube comments bashing Wayne on every other artists' songs, and even uploading videos titled "Lil Wayne sucks", etc.

                  I mean it's ridiculous now. You see it EVERYWHERE. Go to ANY song by a good rapper on youtube and you will surely see comments like "This destroys Lil Wayne", or, " Lil Wayne, this is real hip-hop", etc.

                  As a Lil Wayne addict and dedicated fan since 2004, I've been defending him nonstop on youtube (I can't help it, I just gotta say something when I see a comment that pisses me off) but man it's getting old.
                  I know I made a video, one guy rant Lil' Wayne and some shit they say is so untrue. That's what gets me mad. I have to make videos to shut them up.
                  Know that we belong on the top, but we ain't trippin..
                  Cause we'll get there in a minute..
                  That's a statement for the mission.


                  • #21
                    Re: Wayne's haters are growing in numbers.....have you noticed?

                    Does it matter?

                    To answer hat for you, no.

                    Wow more people that don't like Lil' Wayne is really affecting your personal life.


                    • #22
                      Re: Wayne's haters are growing in numbers.....have you noticed?

                      Originally posted by Franknstein View Post
                      il actually debate that
                      i honestly believe Wayne has more haters than fans or rather the Haters are more vocal than the Fans Pick either
                      Well imo wayne has more fans and as you said the haters are more vocal, I think its just that most wayne fans cant be bothered to argue with them.


                      • #23
                        Re: Wayne's haters are growing in numbers.....have you noticed?

                        Yeah Wayne have plenty haters and so do everyone else but its a waste of time to defend him because obviously they're not going to stop and you're not getting paid for it. Wayne don't know you personally which means he don't give a fuck about you. 80% of Wayne fans tell haters "you're just mad because Wayne is rich". Haters don't make Wayne rich, fans do. Haters and fans is wasting time by sitting home on youtube going at it about someone they don't know personally. Instead of bragging about what Wayne got, try getting it yourself, instead of hating on Wayne for what he got, try getting it yourself.


                        • #24
                          Re: Wayne's haters are growing in numbers.....have you noticed?

                          He's going to get hated on, he's so popular and that happens.

