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CRACKED Article - I'm Starting to Doubt Lil Wayne's Research Skills

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  • #13
    Re: CRACKED Article - I'm Starting to Doubt Lil Wayne's Research Skills

    Originally posted by Yungspiffy View Post
    Wow Y Do Y'all Dick Ride Lil Wayne So Much ...... If Y'all Didn't Laugh At This Article .......... But He Does Say Alot Of Shit That Don't Make Sense He Maybe Did Get The Person Wrong Don't just Call this Person A Hater Because Hes Talking About Lil Wayne I See Where Hes Coming From .......... But It Was A good Article
    Originally posted by wolverinebball11 View Post
    Um... Lol alright then. The 3rd comment down disproves the whole point of the article:
    "Running down a dream" Tom Petty. If you break fast like Tom Petty, You're Running away, or getting away.
    Nobody is dickridin at all.
    And no, It wasnt a good article, I think you just want to disagree.


    • #14
      Re: CRACKED Article - I'm Starting to Doubt Lil Wayne's Research Skills

      Wow you guys are defensive. It's meant to be a funny article, not a factual critique. If you noticed it's on Cracked - they are not serious people. Lighten up a bit.

      Also, if any of you can actually make sense of this line, I'm curious what it means; "Threw the pencil and leak the sheet of the tablet in my mind"


      • #15
        Re: CRACKED Article - I'm Starting to Doubt Lil Wayne's Research Skills

        sorry, double post


        • #16
          Re: CRACKED Article - I'm Starting to Doubt Lil Wayne's Research Skills

          Wow, they're dumb just wait till Carter 4


          • #17
            Re: CRACKED Article - I'm Starting to Doubt Lil Wayne's Research Skills

            is it me or was that incredibly gay LMAO


            • #18
              Re: CRACKED Article - I'm Starting to Doubt Lil Wayne's Research Skills

              Lol what's up with the guy who made that article?
              He read every line of every song Weezy made just to find one or maybe two mistakes? Even if this line is a mistake, I dont give a fuck. I think it's a stupid article, but good found anyway.


              • #19
                Re: CRACKED Article - I'm Starting to Doubt Lil Wayne's Research Skills

                For years, critics and fans alike have been hearing you say things like "fly go hard like geese erection" (from "Dr. Carter") and they've always assumed you were just saying some next level shit that we would totally understand if only we were as awesome or high as you.

                LOL this shit is too funny


                • #20
                  Re: CRACKED Article - I'm Starting to Doubt Lil Wayne's Research Skills

                  I don't normally like responding to threads because you guys are ignorant for the most part, but anyone with a middle school diploma can figure out that this is a satirical article. For the illogical comment about Patey discrediting this article, you need to understand he is actually making fun of Wayne AND the lyrics website. He wanted to point out that Wayne makes no sense in this line, and even if he was thinking about someone else he was STILL wrong. You guys need to stop saying this guy is on drugs, do you not see how ridiculous that sentiment is? Lil Wayne is the one on drugs, he's the one that rhymes illogically at times. I am a HUGE Lil Wayne fan, but seriously people, stop being so misguided. It's laughable. Lil' Wayne fucked up, this guy caught him on it for the SOLE purpose of making a funny article. It's not the end of the world. And the only person smoking some shit is Wayne. That is all.

                  BITBLT..T <- If you can guess these lyrics I'll leak a C4 song.


                  • #21
                    Re: CRACKED Article - I'm Starting to Doubt Lil Wayne's Research Skills

                    Hahaha!! That's fucking funny.
                    My favorite part is the
                    Originally posted by article
                    Threw the pencil and leak the sheet of the tablet in my mind
                    Bitch it's through not threw! As in, his thoughts leaked onto the sheet of the tablet in his mind THROUGH the pencil that is a menstrual bleed of thoughts!!
                    For fuck's sake am I the only who thinks this line makes perfect sense?! I swear people who don't smoke weed are fucking retarded haha!


                    • #22
                      Re: CRACKED Article - I'm Starting to Doubt Lil Wayne's Research Skills

                      The guy does have a point proven but that shit was just plain stupid, the dude was right about the whole tom petty thing and how he isnt fast, but in just about every song by any artist, theres a point in the song where the shit doesnt make sense at all
                      Instagram: @Jamessrod


                      • #23
                        Re: CRACKED Article - I'm Starting to Doubt Lil Wayne's Research Skills

                        sorrry for the double post but look heres another wayne verse that doesnt make sense...

                        "Im Mountain High, Colorado in this b*tch with me"

                        Mountain high is in California not Colorado, but who gives a shit! Its lil wayne, hes the one in beast mode, hes the one making alllll the money so why bag on his lyrics, he can say whatever the fuck he wants haha
                        Instagram: @Jamessrod


                        • #24
                          Re: CRACKED Article - I'm Starting to Doubt Lil Wayne's Research Skills

                          Bro, Colorado is known for the Rocky Mountains, and Denver is the highest major city in America.

