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Has Wayne Lost His Touched????

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  • Re: Has Wayne Lost His Touched????

    There no reason to worry if he has fallen off right now. We'll know when C4 comes out. If that sucks then yes he has fallen off lol.


    • Re: Has Wayne Lost His Touched????

      Originally posted by YoungMoneyEnt View Post
      You got jokes.

      Get Bizzy
      Aint I
      Dedication 3 (the track)
      Put on for the game.
      My Weezy

      All INSANE tracks... D3>>

      And its not about the drugs dude? He drinks alcohol now, thats why he parties. Before he was about music, music and music. He smoked weed which just calmed him down in the studio. The lean made him not wanna go out clubbin but shit, he was at his prime on lean. Now he's got money, gets drunk and makes good tracks evey once in a while. He isn't the same, regardless of what anyone says. He isn't hungry anymore
      Learn to read correctly before you try and tell me something. What you said has nothing to do with what I said. I said not one track
      is just Wayne. As in not a single track on the mixtape isn't just a weezy song all of it's weezy featuring (insert young money artist, besides a couple people out of young money, here.) I didn't say any of the tracks weren't good, because I'd be lying. I like the songs, but I'd rather have something like how d2 was. But as a whole it is Waynes worst mixtape. I would say album but INAHB beat it because, well it wasnt good haha. Songs banged but not for a album.

      All I have in this world is a pistol and a promise!


      • Re: Has Wayne Lost His Touched????

        Wayne can't drink alchohol, Y'all dono what the hell you be talking about.

        Having his own liquor doesn't mean its for him to drink either, thats for commercial purposes; sales. Allthe nigga does is drink red bull and smoke cigars, u see it in every pic and video.This place needs smarter people smh.

        To hammer the point, D3 outright sucked. Expected D2, got trash. Atleast with Rebirth you knew you may not like it and INHAB was just some throaways but with album production.
        Last edited by ChrisBLawyer; 05-09-2011, 01:29 AM.

        What comes easy, won't Last. What Lasts won't come easy.


        • Re: Has Wayne Lost His Touched????

          I agree D3 sucked apart it's title song and stuntin'.


          • Re: Has Wayne Lost His Touched????

            Stuntin is probably the only good song on there...dick pleaser he flowed nice on it. And one other verse was really nice. But as a package it sucked.

            What comes easy, won't Last. What Lasts won't come easy.


            • Re: Has Wayne Lost His Touched????

              Originally posted by ChrisBLawyer View Post
              Wayne can't drink alchohol, Y'all dono what the hell you be talking about.

              Having his own liquor doesn't mean its for him to drink either, thats for commercial purposes; sales. Allthe nigga does is drink red bull and smoke cigars, u see it in every pic and video.This place needs smarter people smh.

              To hammer the point, D3 outright sucked. Expected D2, got trash. Atleast with Rebirth you knew you may not like it and INHAB was just some throaways but with album production.
              You're ignorant stfu


              • Re: Has Wayne Lost His Touched????

                Originally posted by Cody View Post
                You're ignorant stfu
                You're frustrated, masturbate.

                What comes easy, won't Last. What Lasts won't come easy.


                • Re: Has Wayne Lost His Touched????

                  Originally posted by ChrisBLawyer View Post
                  You're frustrated, masturbate.
                  Why's everyone hate on you chrisB

                  All I have in this world is a pistol and a promise!


                  • Re: Has Wayne Lost His Touched????

                    Originally posted by ChrisBLawyer View Post
                    You're frustrated, masturbate.
                    You need to get a clue.


                    • Re: Has Wayne Lost His Touched????

                      Originally posted by codys View Post
                      Why's everyone hate on you chrisB
                      cuz he's annoying...


                      • Re: Has Wayne Lost His Touched????

                        Cuz they love me and wanna be me

                        but that will never happen so they stalk me. Everytime I post look out for my kids...they should be here in 3...2....

                        What comes easy, won't Last. What Lasts won't come easy.


                        • Re: Has Wayne Lost His Touched????

                          Originally posted by codys View Post
                          Why's everyone hate on you chrisB
                          You would call it hate, because you are as ignorant as he is.

