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the art of falling off

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  • the art of falling off

    I want to preface this by stating that I am not a troll or an instigator; I am a true fan with a genuine concern for the path wayne has taken and I just want to air some of these grievances and see what other people think. i'm not looking to get flamed or anything. just want honest opinions. Ok here goes:

    It's so weird how in interviews nowadays Wayne says things like "I killed that shit" in reference to his new songs and he seems so convinced that his raps are still amazing, but they really are not. I keep an open mind, but the fact of the matter is when I listen to new wayne I feel like I'm a dumbass kid or something, like it's almost embarrassing to stand behind it like "this is good shit", because i know in my heart that, despite a few nice punchlines, it's basically just crap lol... but when i throw on his older, better stuff I feel like I'm listening to a legend; like biggie or pac or whoever u consider your legends. He was taking the game to such new heights it's not even funny. He struck gold and then lost it all... it's a fucking tragedy really.

    I mean, he obviously knows he's not the best rapper alive anymore, because he doesn't even claim that anymore, but i always wonder: how does he even think he's good AT ALL?! Can he not hear himself with those corny ass pussy lines and the weak one-liners? He's always been erratic with his rhymes, but now he sounds like a crackhead who can't control whatever retarded thoughts enter his head lol. Don't the people in his camp have the balls to tell him "yo you fell off, hang it up now tune"... seems like everyone always just kisses his ass. here are the things that i have decided are wrong:

    1- modern hip hop beats have changed, which in turn affects weezy's flow. his rhyming style is more suited to slower beats where he can really give punch and personality to each and every line he says. now i don't mean c4 slow (intro, blunt blowin, etc), i mean slow as in a milli, 3 peat, fly in/out, tha mobb, etc. come to think of it though, wayne used to kill ANY tempo beat; slow, fast, medium, anything. i'm just saying these weird beats these days don't help.

    2- syrrrrrp and weed. weezy himself has stated that weed and syrup is the combination - the key to success. when he gave that shit up he lost his magic powers. i hate to say it too, because it's unfair to expect this man to risk his life just to entertain us... he's just not as good without it.

    3- complacency. he has gotten complacent and lazy in his current superstar role as mogul, mentor, skater, celebrity, etc. he used to eat, sleep and breathe rap and now it's like he doesn't care. is he just doing it for the money? probably. you can tell there really isn't much love there anymore. he sounds like he's phoning it in.

    Lil Wayne could have been so much more. I curse that damn prison sentence... maybe it saved his life though, who knows? He had changed hip hop into this unreal art form and then he got cut down in his prime and it was never the same again. WTF. I feel let down as a fan, no matter how much i try to fool myself into liking these new songs. i have a simple test: listen to a new weezy song, then to see if you reeeeally reeeally like it just throw on one single minute of ANY 2007-2008 song... and see how you feel then.

  • #2
    Point 2 will be back.
    No Worries


    • #3
      did you write all of that or did you copy it from ?


      • #4
        Yeah this is the truth. I don't think the first point means much but the other two definitely. After being locked up for 9 months he was probably tired of devoting his life to music and wanted to live at the top with his money and fame. He's still a legend regardless of what he does now though.

        Originally posted by WeEeEeEzZzZyYy View Post
        did you write all of that or did you copy it from ?
        He's not hating he's just not a sheep. You can like his new shit but don't act like his old shit wasn't a million times better in every way.


        • #5
          thank you, __cas__, I appreciate it. I'm truly not hating at all. In fact, I keep buying every damn album and single the guy puts out... I'm just worried about the dip in quality lately. I understand that people want to act like nothing has changed, but come on... all you need is ears to hear it. something ain't right.


          • #6
            good read


            • #7
              He got some good punchlines, and one some features he kill it, but the old wezzy will never come back!
              To be honest i really hope he got some carter 3 left overs on the IANAHB2 like he said in a inteview. It will be good for
              us all.


              • #8
                Tbh, I'd like to see him go back to his bounce flow. Although that will never happen because Cash Money doesn't have Mannie Fresh. But would be nice.


                • #9
                  Weezy is still the Best Rapper Alive.

                  He ain't Tupac, he's the new Pac.


                  • #10
                    Why can't people around here just accept Wayne sucks nowadays ? Whenever someone says Wayne fell of y'all start calling him a hater. Wayne will never make songs like Cry out,dear summer,misunderstood,hustler musik,etc
                    Sure,he released "No worries" and "Bitches love me" wich were okay songs,but his older songs sounded different,he had passion back then,nowadays he just does it for the money. Also those fancy beats are just annoying, all I hear is bangers.


                    • #11
                      great read bro.....i think he'll comeback to the wayne we all know if he took a break, stop recording features for EVERYONE and think about his legacy ......and he doesn't need to go back on syrrup cuz creativity comes from his mind and not his cup....juss sayin


                      • #12
                        times change
                        move on already
                        get with it or get lost

