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Wayne trash again

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  • Wayne trash again

    It fucking pains me to say this after seeing Wayne's exciting Phoenix-like rise from the ashes in 2015, but he kind of sucks again. Ever since NC2 (which was hit or miss in the end) Wayne has been slipping hard. I have heard a handful of features that sound like they're a few steps above IANAHB2. Collegrove was the worst shit he put out since that album. Now this new Ariana Grande single with its wack-ass corny punchlines and its hopped up IANAHB2 flow. Shit's tired. Nigga needs to hang it up cos he's gettin desperate now and it's obvious.

    Again it fucking kills me to say this because I'm old school fandom, and I been rooting for this motherfucker all along, buying his shit-ass albums. Now we have to endure lines about his "grande" being grinded on (yes I get it. Still not clever) and that terrible biggie 2pac line. Seriously, any fan of good Wayne cannot think that's on par with his best wordplay. I saw some of y'all wetting your boxers over that shit. It ain't good... And THIS ain't good. We are moving backwards and I blame weak rappers like 2 chainz, Wayne wanting to be relevant like future and thug, Wayne being desperate as fuck to get out of debt, etc. I want original C5, not re-recorded. Previously I said the opposite, but now 2014 C5 singles Wayne is better than 2016 Collegrove and lame features Wayne.

    Being a Wayne fan has become officially exhausting. I'm thinking I'm done. Maybe just be grateful he had such a great run when he did, and we got some dope bars and tracks in 2015. SFTW2 and FWA have now become his post-prison peak and it's just a letdown.

  • #2
    shut uppppppp you whinge so much man shit the good stuff hasn't even started yet all you haters are legit gonna be eating your words once this contract bs gets sorted out



    • #3
      Hope you're right. I would love nothing more than to eat my words. I just know I saw him going up, up, up (which I predicted would happen after he got off probation and could get properly "creative" again) and now I'm seeing him go down down down. It's a fucking drag bruh. That is all I'm saying.


      • #4
        Originally posted by no_tom&jerry View Post
        Hope you're right. I would love nothing more than to eat my words. I just know I saw him going up, up, up (which I predicted would happen after he got off probation and could get properly "creative" again) and now I'm seeing him go down down down. It's a fucking drag bruh. That is all I'm saying.
        NC2 was terrible sound wise but the lyrics and flows were still pretty damn strong
        Colligrove was O K really average
        Features are always going to be hit and miss some terrible some really good just depends i never count on features to determine where wayne is creatively esp on a damn ariana song



        • #5
          Op living in 2013
          Best year in puplicity since 2011


          • #6


            • #7
              A lot of what he says is true though. Collegrove is average, NC2 is average and not even close to the original one and a lot of average verses lately. But unlike OP I do have hope and confidence in wayne and his new stuff. I'm sure we'll get dope shit from wayne in the future, at least the original c5 with all the dope tracks like mona lisa etc. ...


              • #8
                Wayne's getting love back from the public now his fan base turning on him once again smh it must be hard bein this famous niggas flip flop 6 months after saying you "rose from the ashes" 😂😂😂


                • #9
                  How do you guys have motivation to write that much when you know none of us agree and youre just about to get grilled. Hahaha


                  • #10
                    I really think Collegrove is sick


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by TUNE KNOWLEDGE View Post
                      How do you guys have motivation to write that much when you know none of us agree and youre just about to get grilled. Hahaha

                      I didnt even read it all *yawn*


                      • #12
                        I've never understood why people get so worked up over this sort of thing. You can be a fan of someone without freaking out when they produce a few things you don't like. The obvious thing to do is just not listen to whatever it is that's causing you so much pain and see if you like the next project. You needn't be on this emotional roller coaster.

                        Wayne has 20 years' worth of music, and so much of it that I'm still looking forward to going back and finding songs I haven't heard. He's not going to stop any time soon so there's plenty more to come. Just calm down mate, it'll be all right.

