It's been a whiiiiiiiile since I've made a thread on here. Everyone probably knows me as the kid that just bitches about Wayne's over-use of autotune for the past 5 years.. but I have to say, Dreams is probably the best *song* (key-word) he has released since 2015. Now, everyone's gonna be like WHAT ABOUT THE SONGS ON D6 / D6R / C5 / FWA?!?!? Those albums don't have songs like this. Dreams is on a whole another level. That shit reminds me of something he would have released during the Rebirth era. It's an actual SONG. There are cohesive verses, he stays ON TOPIC, the chorus's are actual choruses with background vocals, harmonies, etc. There is massive effort behind this song and the fact he chose to perform it on Jimmy Fallon shows exactly that. Out of the 25 songs on Funeral, that one made the live performance cut. What does that tell you. Let me just say, if he made an album full of songs like that, or an actual Rebirth 2 that followed that type of style, he would BLOW up. People are sleeping on this song (no pun intended