I am the only one who believes Wayne could still give a song greater than anything we’ve ever seen. I don’t mean as far as vocal strength but lyrical prowess. Like a song where Wayne pulls out every bag of tricks he has. Or am I off here. Like Wayne has so many voices and deliveries he’s mastered he could really do something crazy. Like a 3 minute verse where he just pulls out everything he has. Like a jungle gym. Idk I just feel like Wayne could still drop something better than anything we’ve ever heard. If his main goal was to do that. Or am I off here
Have we seen the best of Wayne or could he still pull out something. Like I feel like we get a lot of songs Wayne does in minutes. What if he spent a day on a song. Like what would that look like.
Have we seen the best of Wayne or could he still pull out something. Like I feel like we get a lot of songs Wayne does in minutes. What if he spent a day on a song. Like what would that look like.