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Thoughts on Wayne's Career moving forward

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  • Thoughts on Wayne's Career moving forward

    2020 is fucked up man, and a lot of the expectations and hopes we've had near the beginning has dissipated. And I'm talking life wise and as wayne fans lmao

    With Wayne's recent music releases + posts on this forum with thoughts about funeral, his comments on the BLM movement, old wayne etc... overall, what's everyone's thoughts on what they want to see from wayne going forward? (And I'm talking bout a realistic approach not just him fixing the dreads and getting clean cause that'll take years and even then we won't have the "old wayne" back?? lmao)

    Personally I ofc still want music from him. He still has bursts of genius like russian roulette, and depending on who you ask, few songs on funeral. And apparently velvet and that 2chains collab is still "coming soon". Ya'll hyped for that? Do you think he should just stick with mixtapes?

    IMO CV was a very good album but i know some of ya'll don't like it and think wayne has slid downhill since 2015/16 lolz... imo that's when it started but after CV release he seems to really have lost his hunger. Point is, can we expect a Carter level album again?

    Can we expect him to ever get a proper team?

  • #2
    what's everyone's thoughts on what they want to see from wayne going forward?
    1) I want to see him sober and getting psychological help. I know its not gonna happen but I still hope for it cause that Kim lady got me scared with what she was saying about his recent seizures.

    2) I want to see him get better managers. Mack and Tez are the perfect example for why you should not let friends be buisness partners.
    Sadly I know this won't happen either, but a guy can dream right?


    • #3
      wayne needs better people around him

      not yesmen or school friends who think they can handle business for him


      • #4
        Originally posted by lilwayne-carter View Post
        wayne needs better people around him

        not yesmen or school friends who think they can handle business for him
        You can’t blame anyone but Wayne for that. It’s 100% his fault for not getting rid of them.


        • #5
          Wayne will be fine musically he will always be relevant & consistent but those comments about the George Floyd situation will make people feel some type of way towards him but as long he puts out good music they will forget about it sooner than later


          • #6
            Originally posted by Dwise View Post
            1) I want to see him sober and getting psychological help. I know its not gonna happen but I still hope for it cause that Kim lady got me scared with what she was saying about his recent seizures.

            2) I want to see him get better managers. Mack and Tez are the perfect example for why you should not let friends be buisness partners.
            Sadly I know this won't happen either, but a guy can dream right?
            Agree, I'll dream with you

            - - - Updated - - -

            Originally posted by BrewCityCM View Post
            You can’t blame anyone but Wayne for that. It’s 100% his fault for not getting rid of them.
            I just don't understand why he doesn't. Does he not care about his career anymore or is he actually blind to the harm they cause him.


            • #7
              I want Velvet from him next and I think there's a good chance of it coming. Will it get absolutely ridiculed here and everywhere else on the internet? Yes, absolutely (people hate singing Wayne). That's what I think he'll do next. As for his team, that's staying forever it seems


              • #8
                i cant see us getting anything from wayne anytime soon, especially after the recent backlash and how poor the sales for funeral deluxe were. we will get a few features now and then but i'm expecting him to be super quiet until at least 2021


                • #9
                  weezy's relevancy been down and this is obvious due to the fact no major outlet even bothered with the kim rose stories


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by back on my bullish*t View Post
                    weezy's relevancy been down and this is obvious due to the fact no major outlet even bothered with the kim rose stories
                    Wayne being irrelevant has something positive after all


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by back on my bullish*t View Post
                      weezy's relevancy been down and this is obvious due to the fact no major outlet even bothered with the kim rose stories
                      Originally posted by mania983 View Post
                      Wayne being irrelevant has something positive after all


                      • #12
                        What i would like:

                        -New management
                        -Be more involved in music/album, not just 'record and let everyone else do everything'
                        -Have someone who has a good history (producer wise) executive produce an album for him
                        -Have people around him who will tell him when something he is recording is trash
                        -In line with second point, be more concise with albums, make a project with the intent of it being for that album and make a select number of songs, not 80 and have people narrow that down to 18-20

                        What will happen:


