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  • #25
    Originally posted by when_it_snow_im_on_top View Post
    I know what it means but I dont think you know what you are hearing lmao.

    here is a comparison between we be steady mobbin & darkside. listen to how fucking crisp and clear the QUALITY of wayne's voice is on WBSM and then listen to how fucking distorted & muffled it is on darkside. this has NOTHING to do with his voice but whoever is in charge of editing it after he records it.


    • #26
      Originally posted by TrukDaWurl77 View Post

      here is a comparison between we be steady mobbin & darkside. listen to how fucking crisp and clear the QUALITY of wayne's voice is on WBSM and then listen to how fucking distorted & muffled it is on darkside. this has NOTHING to do with his voice but whoever is in charge of editing it after he records it.
      Darkside has vocal effects added to it, I think its supposed to sound like that to make it sound darker. I guess a better question is is there a wayne song thats recent where you like the mixing? (preferably not a feat?)
      Don't get too high to look over blessings


      • #27
        Originally posted by TrukDaWurl77 View Post

        here is a comparison between we be steady mobbin & darkside. listen to how fucking crisp and clear the QUALITY of wayne's voice is on WBSM and then listen to how fucking distorted & muffled it is on darkside. this has NOTHING to do with his voice but whoever is in charge of editing it after he records it.
        Bring back KY Engineerin + Mike Banger and get rid of Fabian


        • #28


          • #29
            Originally posted by when_it_snow_im_on_top View Post
            Darkside has vocal effects added to it, I think its supposed to sound like that to make it sound darker. I guess a better question is is there a wayne song thats recent where you like the mixing? (preferably not a feat?)
            omg okay so even though i literally just gave you irrefutable proof that the mastering on his new shit is bad you’re still not convinced lmao. there were no “effects added to make him sound darker” and i know that because that’s how his voice sounds on 90% of funeral… because of bad mixing and mastering……… and to answer your question there is not a single song since FWA that i’ve heard that has appropriate mixing & mastering on his voice. the ONLY one that comes to mind (and it’s a feature) is sucker for pain. that’s literally it. everything post FWA sounds like it was mixed with a toaster oven.


            • #30
              Originally posted by TrukDaWurl77 View Post
              omg okay so even though i literally just gave you irrefutable proof that the mastering on his new shit is bad you’re still not convinced lmao. there were no “effects added to make him sound darker” and i know that because that’s how his voice sounds on 90% of funeral… because of bad mixing and mastering……… and to answer your question there is not a single song since FWA that i’ve heard that has appropriate mixing & mastering on his voice. the ONLY one that comes to mind (and it’s a feature) is sucker for pain. that’s literally it. everything post FWA sounds like it was mixed with a toaster oven.
              you just don't know what you are hearing lol. but okay. Use another example what about lost from c5 deluxe?
              Don't get too high to look over blessings


              • #31
                Originally posted by when_it_snow_im_on_top View Post
                you just don't know what you are hearing lol. but okay. Use another example what about lost from c5 deluxe?
                i do know what i'm hearing because i make my own music & have been in studios with multiple professionals & we have all had this exact conversation that whoever is producing wayne's recent music is not editing his voice correctly with the instrumental. i will gladly make a c5 comparison for you to prove my point yet again.


                • #32
                  Originally posted by TrukDaWurl77 View Post
                  i do know what i'm hearing because i make my own music & have been in studios with multiple professionals & we have all had this exact conversation that whoever is producing wayne's recent music is not editing his voice correctly with the instrumental. i will gladly make a c5 comparison for you to prove my point yet again.
                  ok then next question. If its not because of his voice do we really think Fabian is doing it on purpose? he doesn't just work with wayne
                  Don't get too high to look over blessings


                  • #33
                    Originally posted by when_it_snow_im_on_top View Post
                    you just don't know what you are hearing lol. but okay. Use another example what about lost from c5 deluxe?

                    voice on trigger finger sounds crisp clear & mixed perfectly with the instrumental... voice on lost sounds blurry distorted & muffled & does not blend with the instrumental at all. if you cant hear that difference you need to try it with good $300+ headphones or monitors.

                    - - - Updated - - -

                    Originally posted by when_it_snow_im_on_top View Post
                    ok then next question. If its not because of his voice do we really think Fabian is doing it on purpose? he doesn't just work with wayne
                    aside from the poor mixing/mastering i think it also might be a microphone issue. it sounds like he's using a cheap walmart microphone which obviously does not help the situation & then the producers have an even harder time fucking with the quality of his voice after he's done recording. like if you go listen to drake who uses a neumann tlm 103 mic.. his voice sounds SO clear & clean & one with the instrumental it's unbelievable. that's how wayne USED to sound.. aside from the pitch of his voice or autotune literally none of that matters i'm just speaking about the quality of how his voice sounds. wayne used to use a sony c-800g back in the day which is a fucking 11k$ microphone but there's absolutely no way he's using that anymore. i dont think fabian is doing it on purpose... he might just be dealing with shitty audio quality cuz of wayne's mic OR he just literally doesnt know what the fuck he's doing.


                    • #34
                      Originally posted by when_it_snow_im_on_top View Post
                      Lets do a poll to see if anyone heard static
                      As Artille said people wouldn't know what to look for doesn't take away that it's there



                      • #35
                        Originally posted by Zimmie View Post
                        As Artille said people wouldn't know what to look for doesn't take away that it's there
                        did u listen to the comparisons i posted by any chance? just wanna hear your opinion on them.


                        • #36
                          Originally posted by TrukDaWurl77 View Post
                          did u listen to the comparisons i posted by any chance? just wanna hear your opinion on them.

                          appreciate you doing that fam I've been meaning to do that for a while as well create a concise post with comparisons to really spell it out for people its clear as day that the mixing sounds completely off on DARKSIDE as opposed to STEADY MOBBIN and its got nothing to do with his voice i mean yes its a no brainer his voice has changed over the years but right up until FWA his voice came across clearly now the vocals sound quiet and thin the only time his voice seems to project outside the confines of shit mixing is when his really pushing notes as seen in LOSE or DREAMS when his doing normal rapping his voice is overburdened by effects and poor audio quality i mean seriously the loud CLICKS and cracks across that LOSE verse is pretty unacceptable and to me shows a pretty clear issue with the mixing itself as opposed to Wayne's delivery although wayne can eccentricate the issue further by doing his monotone dry delivery at times

                          before i read into mixing and everything i automatically assumed it was Wayne's delivery/voice that was the issue but when you take the time to read on mixing as you said or simply LISTEN TO OTHER RAPPERS/ARTISTS you can see a huge huge contrast in whats quality mixing + what's a slapped together job for example tyler the creators new project was mixed perfectly after hearing Waynes distorted ass songs all this time Tyler's project sounded so fresh in comparison reaching further i feel waynes beats themselves arent properly mixed either but i dont know enough on this to speak but i really cant comprehend that no one has called this out in waynes camp or jsut surrounding him by now even when fans + 3 parties have called it out publically like that random rapper dude who sai dhe would only collab with his own engineer i think fans who say they "dislike waynes voice' and other things are actually complaining about the mixing without even realising it


