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Rebirth Leak a Set Up??

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  • #37
    Re: Rebirth Leak a Set Up??

    [quote=bliss47][quote=JAiME ft. WEEZY][quote=bliss47]
    Originally posted by JAiME ft. WEEZY":1mr8kyl2]-because why leak it when M I L L I O N S of cd's had been made already and plus it got delayed again.
    -why would amazon ruin it's image like that :lol: in purpose?
    -WAYM leaked the same day too.
    -why make a good album w/ fts like eminem, then leak it to make a whole new one ? waynes rich not stupid :lol:

    but thats just my opinion :)[/quote]

    My opinions back to that would be the following:

    It could have been a last minute decision so that's why they may have been printed but until we see proof of all these printed copies then you don't even know if they did or not.

    I did say I couldn't find anything about it on major news sites, only really saw it on hip hop or blog sites. If it was accidental news companies round the world would be talking about it. Amazon hasn't got a ruined image from it because not that many people actually know about the leak.

    WAYM was more than likely an accidental leak, it was due to drop in just a few days, it managed to survive longer than other albums now-a-days do before leaking. But I think it's a coincidence and they were hoping WAYM wouldn't leak.

    That's my whole point aroud it though, did Wayne think it was good, did he think we'd like it, did he think others would like it etc etc... Leak it like that and find out what people think. He has plenty of songs left he can use. But Em gets paid whatever so Wayne and Universal can do what they want with the track, but I reckon it'll still be on the 2010 Rebirth.[/quote]

    i like mature arguments like this :shifty:
    but i still believe it wasnt set up ..
    like even if wayne was tryna see if people liked.. he wouldda leaked 4-5 songs not the whole album [u]the same day[/u]
    and universal wouldnt let Lil Wayne do this in purpose xD

    and major news sites? :suprised: :

    [url=" ... ked-songs/[/url] ... mazon.html ... 77432.html (irish times !?! xD)

    but yeahh bro I guess we'll never know the truth ..
    I mean major news, like BBC, Sky News etc etc, they don't even mention it lol. But I'm saying Universal is behind it not just Wayne. I mean come on Universal must have been having doubts about the album as well, why not cleverly set up a leak of it to see how badly we all really do want the album and then like it when it's out. [/quote:1mr8kyl2]

    if Universal did something like this everytime they had doubts about an album wouldnt we see news like this all the time? xD and in that case lil wayne wouldve been like "wtf niggas doubting my talent and fans?! fuck outta here ima release the album w/ someone else" if universal or wayne or whoever had doubts they wouldve done this 'set up' a long ass time ago, not after almost a year of pushbacks, and not involving amazon. and okay if fans didnt want it and people thought it sucked.. why would they release still (or next year) ? 'oh we know people are not gonna like it, lets just waste money and put this album out :]'



    • #38
      Re: Rebirth Leak a Set Up??

      Yeah exactly, this could have all been planned from weeks ago. I mean what if Wayne and Baby sat down with Universal and all of them said they had doubts over the album and they came up with this idea. We don't know where or what Wayne is doing 24/7 so it is possible. We'll never know though haha


      • #39
        Re: Rebirth Leak a Set Up??

        Originally posted by bliss47
        Yeah exactly, this could have all been planned from weeks ago. I mean what if Wayne and Baby sat down with Universal and all of them said they had doubts over the album and they came up with this idea. We don't know where or what Wayne is doing 24/7 so it is possible. We'll never know though haha
        If in doubt then why would you waste money?

        I guess it doesn't matter to them they got money out the ass anyway


        Man Idk...


        • #40
          Re: Rebirth Leak a Set Up??

          peoples thoughts and imagination on here just amaze me
          "First degree murder, you can get yo degree motherfu**er"


          • #41
            Re: Rebirth Leak a Set Up??

            Originally posted by freshprince8907
            peoples thoughts and imagination on here just amaze me
            All mature convo's in here

            care to share ?



            • #42
              Re: Rebirth Leak a Set Up??

              The old saying, you gotta spend money to make money. Like in drug dealing, you get it from your supplier for a cost, but you make more money off of what you sell. They spend a little bit of money to see if it's worth releasing a different version in Feb, if it is they'll make the money back, if not then it's a loss but they can move on to the next project.

              But Wayne is tied under contract to Universal, you can't just break that shit, they could sue him for a lot of his worth. But it's not just Universal having doubts it will be Wayne as well. He's the biggest artist around right now and that can't be denied, he is everywhere. Also he needs a good album just before he goes to jail. He'll be making Universal a shit load of money and that's what they want so they'll take that time and effort out for an artist like Weezy. I know someone up in Universal though so I'll try and find out anything about any doubts with the album or whatever...

              And freshprince, everyone has different thoughts and ways they see things, that's the cool thing about it all in my opinion, I mean people can make you see things in a new direction and shit.


              • #43
                Re: Rebirth Leak a Set Up??

                There are more dick riders then wayne fans

                So the album is gonna sell regardless

                and it's actually good so yea......I seriously DOUBT wayne would doubt himself

                But you right Universal does have the true pull



                • #44
                  Re: Rebirth Leak a Set Up??

                  speechless. it all makes sense. but im still on the fence about it being a set up
                  Download All Of Dreezy's Music @


                  • #45
                    Re: Rebirth Leak a Set Up??

                    And freshprince, everyone has different thoughts and ways they see things, that's the cool thing about it all in my opinion, I mean people can make you see things in a new direction and shit.[/quote]

                    Exactly..."peoples thought amaze me"...cause it all makes sense and how and the hell do people think of stuff like that LOL
                    "First degree murder, you can get yo degree motherfu**er"


                    • #46
                      Re: Rebirth Leak a Set Up??

                      will see


                      • #47
                        Re: Rebirth Leak a Set Up??

                        When it comes to rap Wayne obviously doesn't have a single doubt in his body, but just think, he's going to jail, this is his going away album, it's experimental, the singles hadn't been doing too well, wouldn't that worry you and make you have some doubts in whether it's going to be well received or not? I mean if it wasn't well liked from this leak then look what he has in reserve, Tha Carter IV. Wayne is a very smart person, not just from his rhymes but being with Cash Money from such a young age he's learnt how to be a business man.

                        But yeah I don't blame anyone for being undecided about it being intentional or disagreeing with me.

                        And again freshprince, just take a step back from what you first see and analyse it and things can sometimes just fall in place. I didn't look for all the points i've made, I noticed one and then another and another so I was like hmmmm


                        • #48
                          Re: Rebirth Leak a Set Up??

                          Very Good Points

                          But i just think his ego out weighs all of that

                          like I said he has fans then he has dick riders

                          his dick riders are going to make the album blow good or bad

                          Over all we got a good reaction out of it

                          But he could of just let it sit for DEC 21st

                          If it didn't do AS good as he thought ok cool

                          Drop another Sick ass mixtape like you did for No Ceilings

                          Add 30 Minuets To New Orleans on there!!!

                          Then build some more hype let that make up

                          Rebirth + Another dope ass mixtape should holdover while he is in the big house


