I blame the rap culture when it comes to the corruption of youths in this country. Why you might ask? For one thing it promotes the idea of rebellion. It teaches young kids that drugs are OK, that you should want more money, and nothing else. It also teaches young boys to treat women like bitches. The rap culture is like the black plague. When it moves into society it slowly takes over civilized white children who I might add already have emotion problems from other things. The white child could have it so much better, but thanks to the rap culture that might not happen, unless someone vaccinates the beast. Do you believe the rap culture is dangerous?
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Is rap culture dangerous?
Re: Is rap culture dangerous?
You just mixed race and entertainment together. "When it moves into society it slowly takes over civilized white children who I might add already have emotion problems from other things. The white child could have it so much better, but thanks to the rap culture that might not happen..." I don't understand? Rap music and rap culture only affects emotional people, who are already having trouble with their lives, or otherwise known as "followers"; it doesn't affect race.
Re: Is rap culture dangerous?
This is borderline racist, but statistics show that on average black youths are more likely to get in trouble with the law, drop out of high school, etc.
However, the correlation between blacks and crime/dropout/gangs and whathaveyou are only because the black culture has been put into a situation where these things are bound to happen. In the 50's and 60's, black people were paid less, and as a result, lived in worse neighborhoods, and so gradually almost the entire black population became entrenched in the ghetto. The original ghettos, during WWII, did the same thing. They made the Jews live in terrible conditions, and as such, they started dieing at an alarming rate. Now, if you were to say that all Jews were poor, unhealthy, and unable to provide for themselves, statistics (at the time) would positively reflect on your claim. However as we all know, the Nazi regime forced the Jewish people into the situation and it is not because they are a lazier race.
Rap music started and evolved because of this situation which the Government has forced upon black people. It is simply the black youth expressing their struggle in a very artistic way. Starting way back during the times of slavery, black people used music as a way to numb the pain, if you will. This trend continued to the times of jazz, where black people in the south would smoke marijuana that came from Mexico and lament the difficult times of their lives. You would expect rap music to have a sadder tone, but if you look at the roots of hip-hop, for example A Tribe Called Quest, this sadness is very evident.
Re: Is rap culture dangerous?
Rap also known as rythm and poetry is a gift to this world to the people of are generation & beyond. (think about it.)
That most of the stupid ass rappers only rap about bitches money & killin doing/selling drugz is becuz they get paid for doing just that.
They don't care about what people think what the youth might think what parents think becuz they gettin paid like a mafuckr.
the young people think it's cool becuz they see it on t.v. but how old are these people 12, 14? (raise ur hand if ur 18 or older)
I'm 19 now never killed anybody never disrespected a woman and if listend to rap all my life i smoke weed but weed ain't a drug if u smoke weed you would know this just do some research about it. as for the other drug's never used anything else but weed.
Why becuz i listen to what i hear i just don't do what everybody tells me especially what comes from the t.v.