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Ain't that the truth! It's a shame that people just watch his Ellen DeGeneres, Wonton Soup, etc. type videos and don't even give his album a chance. I'm sure the title turns off a lot of homophobes too. lulz.
On top of showing I'm Gay to all the blind Lil B haters (people who have only seen his random cooking videos on YouTube) I show them these songs. There's a lot of other picks tbh, I just narrowed it down to 2 for the hell of it.
I mean, if you actually listen to his more serious stuff with an open mind and still don't like him, that's fine with me. At least you gave him the chance instead of blindly hating on him for his repetitive, made for fun cooking songs. I think all of it's great, but obviously there will always be people who disagree.