If you've seen the video here is the best explanation for it.
Well the song is quite parallel with the video, as the song interprets, him and the girl are still together (a couple, whatever), so that explains her arms around him, he’s telling her that he’s got her (as you also see in the video) and she should love him before he’s famous and then they all will, and he might be different after that. Now notice the flashing lights, that has to represent imo “his rise to fame” (cameras, paparazzi etc..) notice after that she’s GONE, meaning she didn’t stay and that he is indeed now different (because of all the fame etc..) but what really gets me is the ending, he’s like a distorted/faded/damaged @ 3.37 as if he’s not only changing emotionally but metaphorically and just before that he’s giving you this creepy look like…”watch me now”. Haunting, dark and sensual. Just brilliant.