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i liked it but people calling everything a classic nowadays
ps the album lacks replay value
classics are supposed to be timeless
just because you dont like it doesnt mean it's not gonna be a classic lol
this is an album that i could easily see being considered a classic in 10 years. The subject matter, the story that's being told throughout the album, the way the songs are connected together, it makes it an album that won't prolly be topped this year.
Classic albums are almost always concept albums, not albums with bangers
No, this is the type of an album that is likely to become a classic
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just because you dont like it doesnt mean it's not gonna be a classic lol
this is an album that i could easily see being considered a classic in 10 years. The subject matter, the story that's being told throughout the album, the way the songs are connected together, it makes it an album that won't prolly be topped this year.
Classic albums are almost always concept albums, not albums with bangers
can you read? i said i liked it. and it's not a classic now, even kendrick himself said it.
yea maybe it will be considered a classic in 5 years, no one knows.
and i don't want bangers lol, the story & creativity of this album is amazing.
He watched House Party and ate Apple Jacks, sold Sega games while his cousin sold crack, pumped Reeboks while his uncle pumped packs. Since his introduction to the world, Kendrick Lamar has been the good kid from an ugly city. He embraced his roots, accepted being a boy from the hood, painting himself as Tre instead of Doughboy. Since birth, he was inducted into the madness. We’ve seen the album cover, a baby at a table with a 40 next to a baby bottle. Heard the tales of his homies, how he witnessed their departure into darkness. He could’ve been them. Somehow, he stayed away from the gangs. Kept his head in a notebook instead of rolling up papers. He left Compton untainted, a survivor, and told the world his story. Just as Obama became a symbol for hope when he was elected, Kendrick’s story has made him into an example for kids living in the same jungle. What if Kendrick wasn't always so good? What if something traumatic happened that changed his life?
“Been feeling this way since I was 16” – "The Blacker The Berry"
“If I told you I killed a nigga at 16, would you believe me? Or see me to be innocent Kendrick you seen in the street” – "M.A.A.D City"
“So why did I weep when Trayvon Martin was in the street, when gang banging make me kill a nigga blacker than me” – "The Blacker The Berry"
“As a kid I killed two adults, I’m two advanced” – "Hol Up"
“My innocence been dead” – "Ab-Soul’s Outro"
When Kendrick sat down with Rob Markman of MTV to discuss TPAB, he brought up the last line of "The Blacker The Berry" and Kendrick said his lyrics are from his experiences, his real life. “I been through a lot, I seen a lot, where I come from, I’ve done a lot to tear down my own community,” he said. I wanted Rob to dig deeper. What, exactly, had he done to tear down his community? Kendrick’s face shows there’s something he’s keeping below the surface. As soon as you even allow yourself to ponder the idea, to consider even the hypothetical scenario that Kendrick has truly murdered another man, your brain starts to shut down. It’s like if Batman killed the Joker, no one would believe it. That goes against his moral code, no matter what the crime or criminal, there’s a line he wouldn’t cross. Or, maybe more accurately, a line we think he wouldn't cross, as if we really know his life, as if we really know Kendrick Lamar Duckworth.