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Niggas is going why to far. Did everyone forget T.I. TrapMusik? If it wasnt for T.I there wouldnnt be them trap beats not Jeezy. Ross music sounds different then Jeezy's anyway.TM101>Ross Discography but Deeper Then Rap > Recession.
Tbh The Allen Iverson of the Rap Game is Wayne and right now hes on Nuggets.
Trap Muzik Is Overrated and T.I. has his own sound. Trap Muzik Only Trap Beat Was 24's. Rubberband Man Isn't A Trap Beat..... Jeezy is tha reason Mafuckas can vividly talk about white and still get praised by mainstream. And I disagree about deeper than rap ova recession...... And no Wayne isn't tha Iverson off rap especially not on tha nuggets. They both my idols I would kno...... Iverson was frowned on about everything he did. From his play on tha court to his fashion. They made life hell for em for just being himself. Now everything he was doing then is acceptable now. Everybody wearing tha damn fuckin sleeve, tattoos. Tha whole urban be yourself attitude is ok now...... Same way with jeezy and his style. He made it acceptable about how its delivered. T.I. did it different.
As an album, no. As a dl-the-album-and-keep-the-good-ones then yes. It has some great Rozay, but most trackd sounds like fillers, leftovers and half-ass work.