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what projects do the songs
"No Reason'
"How It Go" (fav chief keef song)
"Fool Ya"
appear on?
No project and probably wont appear on any.
He just made em to singles same like Macaroni Time, Love No Thotties, Ight Doe, First Day Out, Now Its Over, April Fools, How It Go, etc... None of them appears on any project, they only on iTunes as singles/songs.
He just made em to singles same like Macaroni Time, Love No Thotties, Ight Doe, First Day Out, Now Its Over, April Fools, How It Go, etc... None of them appears on any project, they only on iTunes as singles/songs.
How It Go is my fav song too from him
Ahh damn that sucks cause i usually like to keep my music organised into "projects" do you know any good unoffcial mixtapes that organise all the tracks?
Ahh damn that sucks cause i usually like to keep my music organised into "projects" do you know any good unoffcial mixtapes that organise all the tracks?
Idk man these ones for couple of random songs from him, it prob exist better ones