First video is this guy doing an acoustic cover of Down. He has like a John Mayer type of voice. And its alot different then the original, he made it his own style. I think this version is 100x better than the original, wait make it 1000x better.
Second is Jerimih doing an acoustic cover of his song Birthday Sex. Its crazy good. I never liked the song till i heard this. Like god damn, hes a good singer. Never really thought he had much talent until seeing this video.
Both of these videos blow away the originals versions in my opinion. If anyone else likes them, let me know. I have the mp3's of them!
Second is Jerimih doing an acoustic cover of his song Birthday Sex. Its crazy good. I never liked the song till i heard this. Like god damn, hes a good singer. Never really thought he had much talent until seeing this video.
Both of these videos blow away the originals versions in my opinion. If anyone else likes them, let me know. I have the mp3's of them!