Ace Hood - Trials & Tribulations [Album Coming 2013]
Album title: Trials & Tribulations
Album release date: 7/16/13
Album cover:

First promotional single:
First single:
Second single:
Album trailer:
2nd album trailer & reveals cover:
Behind the scenes Bugatti video:
Behind the scenes We Outchea video:
I'm a huge Ace Hood fan so I'm really hiped up.
I think the first single is also great.
Album title: Trials & Tribulations
Album release date: 7/16/13
Album cover:

First promotional single:
First single:
Second single:
Album trailer:
2nd album trailer & reveals cover:
Behind the scenes Bugatti video:
Behind the scenes We Outchea video:
I'm a huge Ace Hood fan so I'm really hiped up.
I think the first single is also great.