just listened to it for the second time and i think it's dope as fuck.
, i couldn't believe it. i hadn't liked any of his singles, i hoped it would be good, but prepared myself to be disappointed. but it turned out to be one of if not the best album i've heard from anyone this year. Great album and i'm def coppin it when it hits stores.
anyone else heard it?
favorite song from the album is between a wonderful life(can relate), wildside(dope T.I/asap collab) and sorry(T.I/andre 3k). i liked the skits to where he reenacts his past arrest etc. all and all a great album.

anyone else heard it?
favorite song from the album is between a wonderful life(can relate), wildside(dope T.I/asap collab) and sorry(T.I/andre 3k). i liked the skits to where he reenacts his past arrest etc. all and all a great album.
