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Originally posted by TinyPenisProductionsView Post
Damn why didnt you like Summer Knights as much? I liked it tbh
Eh, idk, he had a lot to live up to with 1999 for me, Summer Knights had it's gems, my yout and 95 tip infinity is my shit, but as a whole it didn't gel together imo
Eh, idk, he had a lot to live up to with 1999 for me, Summer Knights had it's gems, my yout and 95 tip infinity is my shit, but as a whole it didn't gel together imo
Word Is Bond and Amethyst Rockstar are also the gems on it imo
Really wanna listen to it but aint got time now, will listen when it officially comes out. Anyone heard it ?
Already listened to it twice, and like @Theonlydjorkaeff said, it's his best work yet, really awesome
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Joey's Like Me performance with BJ the Chicago Kid on Jimmy Fallon was awesome, also it sounded a bit better than the album version with the live instruments.