This is a new leaked song from an upcoming album of a legendary rap group (Kontrafakt) from my country, its produced by Dj Premier and I think its really good, just want to see what people from other countries think about this, yall maybe wont understand a word but still, imo Rap in my country is on a very high lvl and one of the best in Europe. They have other 2 albums and both sold aroud 40 000 first week and about 145 milion views on their youtube channel and my country has only 6 mill population. So what are your thoughts on this song?
This is a new leaked song from an upcoming album of a legendary rap group (Kontrafakt) from my country, its produced by Dj Premier and I think its really good, just want to see what people from other countries think about this, yall maybe wont understand a word but still, imo Rap in my country is on a very high lvl and one of the best in Europe. They have other 2 albums and both sold aroud 40 000 first week and about 145 milion views on their youtube channel and my country has only 6 mill population. So what are your thoughts on this song?