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Best Local Rapper/Mixer Alive?! CONTEST

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  • Best Local Rapper/Mixer Alive?! CONTEST

    Alright so James(Warrior49) and I are hosting a contest! There are two things you can choose to do. The first one is either make a rap song, over any beat you want to, but you cannot copy lyrics from a released song, and also be creative. The other thing you can do is make a blend/mix of as many tracks you want, and any rapper can be in it. The blend and the rap song both have to be 2 minutes. The winner will receive $50 cash, and songs by a very well known local rapper in the area i live in, and he goes by C.O.L.O.R. The blend or rap song you create will be posted up on the site! Check out the rules bellow.


    1) If you're making your own song, it must be only YOU singing/rapping/etc.
    2) It can be any artist if it is a blend or mix
    3) You can be in your own blend
    4) Songs or blends must be over 2 minutes
    5) You do not have to make your own beat for your own song or blend!
    6) Must upload song to
    7) Must send to either email bellow!

    When we figure out who the winner is, we will contact you asap.

    And Bliss, please stop deleting this. There is no false advertising, and we aren't doing anything else that isn't aloud.

    ***Good luck to everyone & have fun!***

  • #2
    Re: Best Local Rapper/Mixer Alive?! CONTEST

    i will send one of u guys a mix tomorow most likely
    im not sure yet what mix to pick


    • #3
      Re: Best Local Rapper/Mixer Alive?! CONTEST

      sounds good. looking forward to hearing it


      • #4
        Re: Best Local Rapper/Mixer Alive?! CONTEST

        Well you've told me you're not giving away a C.O.L.O.R song...

        Michael Bliss 01 March at 09:50
        Young Fire isn't a bitch. You were a bitch for sending it to people. You need to learn a few things. You have songs by some dude named C.O.L.O.R.Z or something like that as your exclusives right?
        Sean Gomelsky 02 March at 01:36
        hahah veryy true. and naw those arent my exclusives

        I'll leak a C.O.L.O.R song tonight for everyone as well


        • #5
          Re: Best Local Rapper/Mixer Alive?! CONTEST

          Originally posted by IgnoranceIsBliss
          Well you've told me you're not giving away a C.O.L.O.R song...

          Michael Bliss 01 March at 09:50
          Young Fire isn't a bitch. You were a bitch for sending it to people. You need to learn a few things. You have songs by some dude named C.O.L.O.R.Z or something like that as your exclusives right?
          [quote:2lfhq89n]Sean Gomelsky 02 March at 01:36
          hahah veryy true. and naw those arent my exclusives

          I'll leak a C.O.L.O.R song tonight for everyone as well [/quote:2lfhq89n]

          PLz do so i know whats good with this mane... I NEED $$$ haha


          • #6
            Re: Best Local Rapper/Mixer Alive?! CONTEST

            I wasnt, and i decided to. and please do so. you think i care. everyone in my town has his songs. ur leaking his most known song. and your actually not leaking it, since its been out.


            • #7
              Re: Best Local Rapper/Mixer Alive?! CONTEST

              I still think this whole thing is dodgy. How are people to believe you are going to give them money and shit? Provide some damn proof that you are otherwise you're just doing this to advertise your site...


              • #8
                Re: Best Local Rapper/Mixer Alive?! CONTEST

                How can i give proof. When the contest is over, you will see that we were not lying.


                • #9
                  Re: Best Local Rapper/Mixer Alive?! CONTEST

                  Winner was FTP, if anyone still cares...

