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RIP Tha Studio

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  • RIP Tha Studio

    Here's 16 bars about the death of Tha Studio. I will not be posting in Tha Studio again until it is fixed and bigger.

    One more time, one last breath, on Tha Studio's death
    It's like Tha Studio O.D.'d on Meth, it use to be big like Seth
    Rogan, or Hulk Hogan, now it's small like that boy Logan
    Lerman, the feedback on this site is gayer than Peewee Herman
    It's dead like a Jew by a German, or hit by a M4 Sherman
    But it can be revived, we just need some new rules
    If we come together we can fix it, we have the tools
    That was bar 7, this is eight, Tha Studio is in heaven
    How many current rappers and writer do we have, eleven
    Tha Studio is dead, it's deceased, activity has decreased
    Everyone on this site is bias, that's the real crisis
    No real feedback, only "That was fire, I like this!!!"
    All of the good rappers are gone, wait they never existed
    Only a bunch of phonies who talk about getting bitches
    Or how they came from rags to riches, when they still at rags
    Everyone in Tha Studio rides each others dicks, fuckin fags
    Or they call themselves a Pretty Bitch, and claim to be based
    You fuckin bitches are so garbage, your accounts should be erased
    At first I put real thought into this rap, now I just don't care
    I switched styles mid rap, I probably should have came prepared
    Oh well, I am still better than all of the bitches on here
    Even though I can't record, I bring what they want to hear
    Back on topic, Tha Studio is dead
    I'll return when it resurrects

    Was gonna do 16, but whatever. Goodbye to Tha Studio until it is given improvements.

  • #2
    Re: RIP Tha Studio

    idk some of the lyrics kinda threw me off a bit..


    • #3
      Re: RIP Tha Studio

      Originally posted by -Nino-
      idk some of the lyrics kinda threw me off a bit..
      Why did you change your post? But anyways, I didn't expect to get the biggest reaction from this and I probably won't receive feedback for this either because of how dead and forgotten Tha Studio is. Kinda just through it together so I'm well aware that it is not amazing, or good for that matter.

      This is my last day in Tha Studio until I see some kind of progression.


      • #4
        Re: RIP Tha Studio

        Artille i completely agree with you.... i dont get any feedback either and it seems that a majority of people on here are biased..... change really is needed *sigh*
        Lil Roe-17 years old,Savannah,GA


        • #5
          Re: RIP Tha Studio

          It's nice but I feel a bit more complexity in the bars would be needed as the subject can't have too many clever metaphors or punchlines.

          Best lines:

          It's like Tha Studio O.D.'d on Meth, it use to be big like Seth
          Rogan, or Hulk Hogan, now it's small like that boy Logan
          The hang was the best piece of ability you showed in this one, I would have liked you to throw a couple more in though, it would have made the whole piece better as I think it started a lot stronger than it ended.

          But it's whatever, just thought I'd do my bit and give some real feedback


          • #6
            Re: RIP Tha Studio

            Originally posted by Artille
            Originally posted by -Nino-
            idk some of the lyrics kinda threw me off a bit..
            Why did you change your post? But anyways, I didn't expect to get the biggest reaction from this and I probably won't receive feedback for this either because of how dead and forgotten Tha Studio is. Kinda just through it together so I'm well aware that it is not amazing, or good for that matter.

            This is my last day in Tha Studio until I see some kind of progression.
            because i read half of it then made the post then i came back and said ^^ instead...But that line was wack and there are a few others.


            • #7
              Re: RIP Tha Studio

              It's incredible. I was given feedback on a piece of work

              Why can't the forum be like this in every thread. I mean this wasn't a serious piece of work, but still, we should be feedbacking (?) all of the time. We need to get these subforums and new rules up for a start.


              • #8
                Re: RIP Tha Studio

                You tried to do internal rhymes and stuff but not sure if you did multies but that's okay. On the other hand some parts should've been scrapped and there were some lines that were false accusations.

                * Yep, this has officially killed the studio.
                I like the color contrasts


                • #9
                  Re: RIP Tha Studio

                  Originally posted by Enigma
                  You tried to do internal rhymes and stuff but not sure if you did multies but that's okay. On the other hand some parts should've been scrapped and there were some lines that were false accusations.

                  * Yep, this has officially killed the studio.
                  Trust me Enigma. Tha Studio has been dead for months now. I couldn't even get 16 people to signup for a written tournament. Epic fail.


                  • #10
                    Re: RIP Tha Studio

                    Originally posted by Enigma
                    You tried to do internal rhymes and stuff but not sure if you did multies but that's okay. On the other hand some parts should've been scrapped and there were some lines that were false accusations.

                    * Yep, this has officially killed the studio.
                    Tha Studio died when the racism and serious beef began



                    • #11
                      Re: RIP Tha Studio

                      That was fire, I like this!!!


                      • #12
                        Re: RIP Tha Studio


                        can't change anything if you're just gonna walk away from it. change begins when you step your foot in.

                        decent words though. very good.

