Okay before I get to typing more I'd like to say the category this fits under is "making music" so I'm posting it here
Since this part of the forum is obviously dead, I was wondering if we could get tournaments (not just battle one's, but those too
) going more and maybe make it kind of routine and official-like.
For example~ We'll have creative tournaments that can go from rapping about specific topics like..."rap about the sun being the creator and sustainer of life on this planet.." or "rap about religion and how it has caused hatred between humans..". Those are just examples and hopefully you can understand what I'm getting at.
Now the cool thing which would be bad ass if Danny would agree would to give the winners of these tournaments some symbol that depicts them from the rest of the HQ members, kind of like what the "Weezy Veterans" have. Like for example if you won a tournament in september that was being held you could have a little flashy icon under your Avatar that said "Sept 09 Winner" and maybe have a trophy next to it or different name text, use your imagination.
It would be cool to see this implemented; they wouldn't have to be every week but maybe once a month. Since there would be a good amount of time to do the topics they could be relatively big, the main thing I'm trying to get at is they could be topics that people may know nothing about therefore they'd have to do research on the topic and compile information to compete. Yes this may sound like school, but at least you get to do it in a Poetic sense while the topics should be interesting. By all means if you don't want to participate you wouldn't have to.
SOOOO what do you think Danny? as well as the other member on this site [Mainly my Studio fam]

Since this part of the forum is obviously dead, I was wondering if we could get tournaments (not just battle one's, but those too

For example~ We'll have creative tournaments that can go from rapping about specific topics like..."rap about the sun being the creator and sustainer of life on this planet.." or "rap about religion and how it has caused hatred between humans..". Those are just examples and hopefully you can understand what I'm getting at.
Now the cool thing which would be bad ass if Danny would agree would to give the winners of these tournaments some symbol that depicts them from the rest of the HQ members, kind of like what the "Weezy Veterans" have. Like for example if you won a tournament in september that was being held you could have a little flashy icon under your Avatar that said "Sept 09 Winner" and maybe have a trophy next to it or different name text, use your imagination.
It would be cool to see this implemented; they wouldn't have to be every week but maybe once a month. Since there would be a good amount of time to do the topics they could be relatively big, the main thing I'm trying to get at is they could be topics that people may know nothing about therefore they'd have to do research on the topic and compile information to compete. Yes this may sound like school, but at least you get to do it in a Poetic sense while the topics should be interesting. By all means if you don't want to participate you wouldn't have to.
SOOOO what do you think Danny? as well as the other member on this site [Mainly my Studio fam]
