Teletubbies over everything...
It may not been nothin' to you grown ups...
understand that your first year in Elemantry sucked....
so I don't plan at leaving this Toy chest all....
I want to be here forever daddy....
I'm shuttin' the visits to be Santa at the mall.....
and reviewing every Preschool saying there the greatest one....
and I don't plan at stopping at all....
I want to be here forever daddy..
First name Bob....
Last name Builder....
Like Reggie's Super Bowl trophy I ain't nothin' to play with...
Started off in private schools, but thanks to all the mommy's I know every character on Cartoon network on the first name basis..
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah......
Drop that fart that sounded like a loud one
Who have a thought that a worldwide Teletubbies comeback would be the outcome?
No toy wants to escape my world unlike Malcomb...
Everybody wants a Toy, I did it without one....
Yeah Ronald McDonald!
I'm About My Business
My Bugs Bunny is being thrown around the Playroom...
With all of these Juvenile preschoolers you'd think he would be ripped apart...
Anyone who failed to break Bugs is asking for another Toy..
I responded telling them "You failed, go somewhere else"....
Well look at the brightside, at least you got to witness you Barbie Dolls
It may not been nothin' to you grown ups...
understand that your first year in Elemantry sucked....
so I don't plan at leaving this Toy chest all....
I want to be here forever daddy....
I'm shuttin' the visits to be Santa at the mall.....
and reviewing every Preschool saying there the greatest one....
and I don't plan at stopping at all....
I want to be here forever daddy..
[Lil Wayne]
I want to be in this preschool forever....
wake up and smell the Sandbox...
Fresher than the Toy store aisle....
Step up to the cash register......
If I had one guest, then I guess I'd just bring my Buzz Lightyear...
I will never stop, like there is no more playtime on the clock...
Told Buzz to activate his jets and I said "to infinity and beyond"...
Santa ate one more Cookie and he dropped....
But what should I scream for more playtime....
Still got my Stormtrooper's blaster, just watch the thing dart....
Let the cashier talk, pay for them, and get out the line......
Woody at my side, you'll love it when he says "there's a snake in my boot!"....
I'm like Nintendo 64 kid in the middle of the winter....
I'm resting in the Preschool I need a pillow and a cover...
Go on to with the chorus and don't wake anyone up
No homo, Justin Bieber's balls drop as Corruption spits his flow....
Nuts the Toybox goes....
We make them look like Sour Patch Kids...
He's wondering if he could spit this slow.....
blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.......
He ain't had a verse like this since the last time that he watched PBS Kids.....
They have been waiting patiently for Teletubbies to come back on air....
Back in the Toy chest and they know that children's TV will never be the same as before....
Bashin' in the batteries of these toys....
and becoming forgotten as he goes..........
Yes mommy....
Rate this track on a scale of 1-10. Your allowed to go out of this planet and go above the 1-10 limit.
Teletubbies over everything...
It may not been nothin' to you grown ups...
understand that your first year in Elemantry sucked....
so I don't plan at leaving this Toy chest all....
I want to be here forever daddy....
I'm shuttin' the visits to be Santa at the mall.....
and reviewing every Preschool saying there the greatest one....
and I don't plan at stopping at all....
I want to be here forever daddy..
First name Bob....
Last name Builder....
Like Reggie's Super Bowl trophy I ain't nothin' to play with...
Started off in private schools, but thanks to all the mommy's I know every character on Cartoon network on the first name basis..
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah......
Drop that fart that sounded like a loud one
Who have a thought that a worldwide Teletubbies comeback would be the outcome?
No toy wants to escape my world unlike Malcomb...
Everybody wants a Toy, I did it without one....
Yeah Ronald McDonald!
I'm About My Business
My Bugs Bunny is being thrown around the Playroom...
With all of these Juvenile preschoolers you'd think he would be ripped apart...
Anyone who failed to break Bugs is asking for another Toy..
I responded telling them "You failed, go somewhere else"....
Well look at the brightside, at least you got to witness you Barbie Dolls
It may not been nothin' to you grown ups...
understand that your first year in Elemantry sucked....
so I don't plan at leaving this Toy chest all....
I want to be here forever daddy....
I'm shuttin' the visits to be Santa at the mall.....
and reviewing every Preschool saying there the greatest one....
and I don't plan at stopping at all....
I want to be here forever daddy..
[Lil Wayne]
I want to be in this preschool forever....
wake up and smell the Sandbox...
Fresher than the Toy store aisle....
Step up to the cash register......
If I had one guest, then I guess I'd just bring my Buzz Lightyear...
I will never stop, like there is no more playtime on the clock...
Told Buzz to activate his jets and I said "to infinity and beyond"...
Santa ate one more Cookie and he dropped....
But what should I scream for more playtime....
Still got my Stormtrooper's blaster, just watch the thing dart....
Let the cashier talk, pay for them, and get out the line......
Woody at my side, you'll love it when he says "there's a snake in my boot!"....
I'm like Nintendo 64 kid in the middle of the winter....
I'm resting in the Preschool I need a pillow and a cover...
Go on to with the chorus and don't wake anyone up
No homo, Justin Bieber's balls drop as Corruption spits his flow....
Nuts the Toybox goes....
We make them look like Sour Patch Kids...
He's wondering if he could spit this slow.....
blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.......
He ain't had a verse like this since the last time that he watched PBS Kids.....
They have been waiting patiently for Teletubbies to come back on air....
Back in the Toy chest and they know that children's TV will never be the same as before....
Bashin' in the batteries of these toys....
and becoming forgotten as he goes..........
Yes mommy....

Rate this track on a scale of 1-10. Your allowed to go out of this planet and go above the 1-10 limit.