I'm tired of it, shit's gettin' lame. If you don't like an artist, don't listen, and stop hating.
Dreezy is one of the best punchlines artists on this site, and Sentus is one of the best lyrical artists on this site; these are simple facts, stop arguing over it. With that being said, every artist has his/her faults, and if you get mad when someone points them out, gtfo, but also, there's a difference between "hating" and "criticism."
If I say, "Dreezy sucks because he's just a punchline rapper, and not really talking about shit/Sentus sucks because he's too lyrical, and doesn't focus on his flow, and sounds pretentious." Those are hating statements, you're not helping someone get better or learn, you're just bashing on their bad sides.
Like I said, if someone does point out you're doing something wrong, embrace and use it to better yourself, don't blow that shit off as hatin'.
To end this off, everyone enjoy what you're doing, if you're doing it for fun or you're tryna get big, just enjoy it. No need to bring other people down, or hurt other people's self-esteem.
Just some shit I had to get off my chest, lmao.
Also, just so I don't have to say this again, Sharoyce Antwan is the best person in the studio. So stop that debatin' shit too.
Dreezy is one of the best punchlines artists on this site, and Sentus is one of the best lyrical artists on this site; these are simple facts, stop arguing over it. With that being said, every artist has his/her faults, and if you get mad when someone points them out, gtfo, but also, there's a difference between "hating" and "criticism."
If I say, "Dreezy sucks because he's just a punchline rapper, and not really talking about shit/Sentus sucks because he's too lyrical, and doesn't focus on his flow, and sounds pretentious." Those are hating statements, you're not helping someone get better or learn, you're just bashing on their bad sides.
Like I said, if someone does point out you're doing something wrong, embrace and use it to better yourself, don't blow that shit off as hatin'.
To end this off, everyone enjoy what you're doing, if you're doing it for fun or you're tryna get big, just enjoy it. No need to bring other people down, or hurt other people's self-esteem.
Just some shit I had to get off my chest, lmao.

Also, just so I don't have to say this again, Sharoyce Antwan is the best person in the studio. So stop that debatin' shit too.