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    See I been waiting in patience n tryna*
    figure out when ima make it but these*
    obstacles won't burn N Im learning*
    more & more of how the world has*
    turn n I believe I earn the right to*
    have a chance of fulfilling my dreams*
    but it seems that it's hard for me to*
    get discover cuz ant no label or rapper*
    Gon sit there asz down waiting for a*
    new star to be born but a star has*
    already been born but im not the the*
    only 1 but I'ma get my voice heard so*
    bitch get ready to be blown away cuz*
    once I spit I own all ya Songz but Ima*
    blow up^ I'n more of my songz n Tht*
    Shyt might kick me off the label cuz*
    it's about how I feel bout labels n*
    industry care all about is world wide*
    tours n the money that the bosses*
    earn but i don't feel like my songz are*
    any interesting then the nxt one n I'm*
    afraid my fans is gonna tell me on to*
    the next one rap has change into a*
    new format that it's not really hard to*
    understand cuz all these rappers are*
    falling I'n the same path n fate has*
    there gonna be a huge change unless I*
    get sign not to sound cocky bout all I*
    care about is the fans not the money &*
    honeys that be taking ova ya mind but*
    I'm killing that shyt my mind is full w.*
    Positivity & No negativity cuz that will*
    just bring more problems

    I got problems
    I got problems
    With the music n the people knowledge*
    We all got problem*
    We all got problem it's not only the haters Its the people with wrong knowledge we got problems but I'ma here to educate ya with real knowledge*

    God tell me what I gotta do
    To inform people that im that good*
    N I'm not tryna be gangsta to*
    the hood But I'm the prince of D.R cuz*
    I'm representing them like that's my*
    Dominican hood Rappers be smoking to*
    get verses off there head but I don't*
    need to smoke cuz my verses are all*
    line up^ ready to be find & ya wont be*
    able tell the difference if I'm throwing*
    metaphors or just throwing lines but*
    trust me & GoD is my witness*
    everything I'm saying is real &*
    everything that I deal real I would*
    write more but I haven't live the life of*
    a super star so I'ma end this by saying*
    I'm the future of This Rap Game

    I got problems
    I got problems
    With the music n the people knowledge*
    We all got problem*
    We all got problem it's not only the haters Its the people with wrong knowledge we got problems but I'ma here to educate ya with real knowledge

    Naaa I can't stop*
    Cuz I'm laying all my techniques on the*
    spot & I'll keep writing until this songz*
    get to the tittle top so let's change the*
    subject n rap about WUT people going*
    threw yea Uh let's start with love cuz*
    everybody putting they heart I'n it I*
    wanna let ya noe that all girls ant*
    hoes they just good at getting men cuz*
    they that beautiful & special onez but*
    the ones that really acting like hoes is*
    because they ant got nothing BETTA to*
    do then jerk off with every man to be*
    like yea I been threw that now ladies*
    most of ya think that men all the*
    same but ya driving real men I'n sane*
    cuz most men Dnt lie to get pussy &*
    Power they tell the truth to earn ya*
    trust & respect yeah I use to fall I'n*
    love with a girl but it didn't end well I*
    could had won her but my asz was to*
    pussy to show & tell so now she with a*
    other man but that doesn't piss me of*
    cuz there alot of fishes that I won't*
    miss ha now let's get to the money*
    why ya acting that getting money*
    makes ya cooler w. The honeys most*
    ladies want reall men not for there*
    money but there Honest opinions n not*
    ones that just stand like i feel ur pain n*
    a man that will always be there to*
    keep a smile across there face yeah but*
    I spoking to much I'm just hoping that*
    ya understand want I'm tryna express*
    n all my fans I love ya ya complete me*
    not the money,the bens or the*
    Lamborghini's YA ALL NUMBER ONE*