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WOW, im feelin that beat even more now hearin u rap on it,
before i thought it was decent when the producer posted it, but after hearin a rapper on it, it sounds doper lol.
bruh wit your dedication u might as well just get the job and get dat 60 dollar mic for the good quality bro.
this a dope song, i love the melody and your flow on this. especially the hook
Overall: 4.25/5, You picked a pretty nice beat here Gibs. Shout out to A-Touch Beatz. Lyrically things seem solid. Mastering seems really good here too. You gotta GET A NEW MIC. You made a nice little track man. Chorus seems kinda dull at times, so maybe liven it up with some doubling or something, but that's just a suggestion. I think the track is pretty good the way it stands. Where's the EP/MIXTAPE/ALBUM?
@ mrr3ye5 inbox about a collab broo ill get on something when i can
@ Pgathriller super happy about it debut at 10 thats pretty awesome man loved your beat !!!!!
@Mykill . sorry about the verse homie bin super busy an will definalty get round to that in the next day or so and send it back over to you and the ep will be realsed soon ive finished recording for it now just gota master up every last little thing
Liked the song man Cool beat, lyrics nd flow were sick and hook was pretty good, u already know bout gettin a new mic cuz then your overall sound will be much better. Keep it up