Back with another installment in the 'Tha Studio Cypher' tournament. You know how it works. And if you don't; just download the beat below, spit your hottest 16 bar/lines verse over it, and PM me (Posting your submission anywhere before the end of the competition will disqualify you) your finished product before the deadline. There's a twist this time though.... If you win, you can have any thread of yours (Up to a week to decide which thread you want to chose) stickied at the top of Tha Studio section for a week. Who will take the win this time around? Only time will tell. Good luck fella's!!
Monday - Beat posted.
Monday Until Friday - Work on your verse.
Friday - Make sure your finished product is PM'd to me by 12PM CST. Voting thread will be made.
Friday Until Monday*- Voting takes place.
Tuesday* - Winner announced.
LimeLinx - Preview - Keep It Real (Instrumental).mp3
* = Subject to change if needed.
Monday - Beat posted.
Monday Until Friday - Work on your verse.
Friday - Make sure your finished product is PM'd to me by 12PM CST. Voting thread will be made.
Friday Until Monday*- Voting takes place.
Tuesday* - Winner announced.
LimeLinx - Preview - Keep It Real (Instrumental).mp3
* = Subject to change if needed.