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[Cypher] 'Till Infinity Cypher Voting Thread

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  • #13
    Re: [Cypher] 'Till Infinity Cypher Voting Thread

    Originally posted by lilchukieforeheadbig View Post
    akkucc is gonna win.
    @ threadstarter, you should've did the option where u can see who voted for each person.
    very true...


    • #14
      Re: [Cypher] 'Till Infinity Cypher Voting Thread

      Deezy Mac killed it son.
      The borders should be illegal instead of the people, who were here before the bible and all of its sequels


      • #15
        Re: [Cypher] 'Till Infinity Cypher Voting Thread

        Akkucc takin' shots at THP . and at the end of this someone should mash up all the freestyles to make one big song.


        • #16
          Re: [Cypher] 'Till Infinity Cypher Voting Thread

          Only like 4-5 of these verses are good hah. Cli-City murdered everyone though haha.

          protect dunston at all costs


          • #17
            Re: [Cypher] 'Till Infinity Cypher Voting Thread

            Mykill can you do me a favour bro and replace my limelinx link with a link to this-

            93 Til Infinity (Souls of Mischief Z-Mix) - Ziggy B - YouTube

            Less hidden away IMO. Cheers budddddddy
            Last edited by THA GR8 M8; 11-13-2011, 04:37 PM.
            Ziggy B


            • #18
              Re: [Cypher] 'Till Infinity Cypher Voting Thread

              Cli-City easily.


              • #19
                Re: [Cypher] 'Till Infinity Cypher Voting Thread

                Delivery: Deezy Mac has this hands down....very dope...I Fuck with it...
                Flow: A 3 Way Tie between Deezy Mac, Krypsy and Tranquil....All them niggas have nice flows....I think Deezy delivers his the best though
                Lyrics & Punchlines: Honestly......This is about preference....but Imma have to go with Cli-City - "No Swag Having 911 Too Plain Niggas (Two Plane)....
                I actually think that lyrically I did the best...but that's just my opinion.....
                Mississippi x California x North Carolina


                • #20
                  Re: [Cypher] 'Till Infinity Cypher Voting Thread

                  Cli City and Deezy Mac had the best verses imo..Cli had it wit da punchlines but Deezy killed the flow though


                  • #21
                    Re: [Cypher] 'Till Infinity Cypher Voting Thread

                    Kryspy: With a little more clarity you wouldve been closer to the top for me. Great flow, you got a good voice. Sounds well on the beat.
                    Work on your diction, and you'll be good.
                    Late: Work on the quality, can't really hear the lyrics. Can hear the flow which is promising itself.
                    Thanks for the vote.
                    Tranquil: Great to have you back. Youre another one who needs to work on your diction (annunciation). Youve got a great flow just pronounce your words as best as possible so we can make out your lyrics. They kinda get lost in ,my opinion. I liked the "you ain't a blood, just blood on a tampon" line though.
                    Kage: Some parts of your verse made me think you were gonna start going off but sadly I was dissappointed. You need work all around man.
                    Ziggy: Glad you entered. Nice work. One of the most solid verses in this, but in a Cypher you wanna hit em hard. Good work bringing
                    your own style to the table man.
                    Rookies: Another solid verse, you just got outshined by some of the better verses.
                    Akkucc: Quit, please.

                    I downloaded Deezy and Cli's verses while at work because of the hype around them lol. I loved what each of you brought to the table, and in your own way each of you dererved a vote. Deezy your flow and delivery alone killed the competition. Opening two bars let us know what was up and you kept going in. Cli your punchs kept coming man. Gangsta delivery too bro. I honestly voted for myself lol but everyone did great. Good luck.


                    • #22
                      Re: [Cypher] 'Till Infinity Cypher Voting Thread

                      I was suppose to re-record my verse, that was just a rough draft..I was busy through the whole week so I didn't get the re-record it so I just submitted the rough draft. But congrats to the homie Cli!..My nigga deserves it

                      "I stole a Bible, is that a sin"?


                      • #23
                        Re: [Cypher] 'Till Infinity Cypher Voting Thread

                        V/ Tranquil.

                        I'll make sure to check the deadline next cypher.
                        I still can't believe that dude's rap name is DEEZY MAC


                        • #24
                          Re: [Cypher] 'Till Infinity Cypher Voting Thread

                          Akucc got my vote man!

