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Yo yall so i ent dropped in a while, because ive literally only just set up my new stuff, this track isn't with my new set up just yet, because i havn't recorded a track with it all yet but just thought i should drop as i avn't in a while Hope yall enjoy
You sound great with acoustic guitars too. Very versatile flow. Can't wait for work with your new set-up. I don't really Like the hook but it's fitting for the song. I could see you doing this shit at the Grammy's with a choir of white bitches lol. Cinema beats gets down as far as this styke goes. Keep the work coming man, you're one of my favorite artist around here.
you killed it nigga... beat dont go hard enough tho I appreciate something different every once in a while, but i like it more when you go on club instrumentals!! but you always come wit it when its time to hop on the beat. Bet you could go acapella and the whole cd be fire lol but naa, song str8. you need to drop more songs tho lol
Ehhh I didn't like this at all. Hopefully your new quality is better cause this sounded like shit. Your weird crying delivery didn't match the beat at all and your flow was all over the place. You shouldn't have tried to rap fast because it didn't work out at all. Lyrically was pretty weak, either start using some more complex rhymes, better imagery or come up with better concepts cause this was extremely bland.