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Jayrme- IDLAB (I Don't Love A Bitch) [Snippet] x The Gold [Nonmixed Version]

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  • Jayrme- IDLAB (I Don't Love A Bitch) [Snippet] x The Gold [Nonmixed Version]

    IDLAB [Snippet]

    IDLAB.mp3 - Hulk Share - Music Distribution Platform

    The Gold [Non Mixed]

    02 Track 02.mp3 - Hulk Share - Music Distribution Platform

    Lemme know what ya'll think

  • #2
    I Don't Love A Bitch -

    Flow: 4.5/5 - Flawless except at the beginning, but I'll just blame that on the effect you used.

    Lyrics: 3.5/5 - "Shawty bent, bend it over; hunchback of notre-dame." I fucks with this. Swagged lyrics that stuck to the subject matter, the first line was easily the best, though. wasn't bad lyrically, but besides for the first line, nothing really stood out.

    Other: Dope editing and chorus, I fucks with this. Can't wait to hear the full song.

    Overall: 4/5

    The Gold -

    Flow - 4.5/5: Might just be a slip up to me, but the first bars in the second verse kinda sounded awkward/rushed to me, but nothing extremely noticeable. only thing was the okay delivery, you emphasized certain words, but left some emotion out entire lines. the chorus is a good example, but I won't fully judge until I hear the mixed version.

    Lyrics - 4/5: I've noticed that you're a versatile rapper. You can switch up from swag to some deep, inspirational shit. still nothing that truly caught my attention, but you did have some good lines. you might just not be a punchline rapper, nothing wrong with that, but at the end of the song, there weren't any lines that made me wanna rewind to hear again, you know?

    Other - Really can't wait to hear this one mixed down.

    overall - 4.5/5

    You're pretty dope, though. These are the first songs I've heard from you and I like what I hear.

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    • #3
      only 1 feedback in 2 days?


      • #4
        Delivery on that IDLAB needed more aggression. You had the bars, just didn't feel like you really meant you feel me?

        The Gold was a much better track. Flow kinda slipped in verse one towards the middle. Sounded like you tried to fit too many lyrics into the verse. That "I promised as kid" line sounds a little off too. The switch ups in your delivery go off beat like you didn't know the track well enough before recording it. Maybe if you practiced it a couple more times you'd know exactly where your volume should go up and down, etc. Good track though, had a great vibe and meaning. The hook was good. Catchy, that's always good.

