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Noble X D-Blaze - On My Life (Prod. By Sosa Lewis)
seriously it was a good track foreal, but idk how to further break down to give him the input he's used to from the other artists on the forum
I don't really look for in depth input like that anymore anyways, I don't need that crap. I just want to know if the song sounds good to the listener and if it rides.
If you mumbled through everything on here I would have thought it was an actual Chief Keef song. The "certi-fiend" line was cool, but other than that your verse was pretty ordinary. Feature was whack. I could even do better, and that's saying something cause I am horrible. It was mostly his flow and mic presence, but compared to your verse his lyrics didnt even compare. You came correct on it though, but every time I played it I kinda zoned out in parts and didnt pay attention 100%. This song could be improved if you just did a 2nd verse.
I think u have the most catchy hooks in this forum. I'm surprised no one mentioned the multi's in this. I thought it was a good overall effort from u and turned out great. Didn't listen to second guy cause all the shitty reviews. Keep it up
U should take up another hobby if u have nothing to say other then what's been said a million times already