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Swear I thought/think this is a joke, but whatever. Mixed emotions track sounds dope, but I don't wanna be duped. Weird timing.
Appreciate you checking it out. Trust me, there's no trolling here. Long story short, I was googling my name and saw that someone mentioned one of my songs from like 2007 in a thread, so I signed up and started posting.
Prior to this site, I've never seen MyKill, I know of a NyKwill though, but that's a different story. My shit is pretty different, mostly introverted songs, a few fun tracks, and some of it is a little experimental, but I have over 200 songs recorded.
Prior to this site, I've never seen MyKill, I know of a NyKwill though, but that's a different story.
lol, now that you mentioned him, he's gonna find this website soon after googling his name.
*waits for kidcomet to make a troll account with the name "nykwill"*