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Poyo - No Questions ****Listening Session*****

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  • Poyo - No Questions ****Listening Session*****

    Mixtape is done on my end, just waiting on some features and i gotta add more adlibs to BAG.

    Before i officially release, i want to make sure that i am putting out the best project possible. Its been hard to get time to record between work/school/ and doing these shows but im happy with how its turned out. So please just listen, tell me what you like & what you dont, and maybe i fine tune some things. I wanted the album to start TURNT with the first 3 tracks then take you a darker place with the next 4 tracks. then end it off with on a more positive note. The way i ordered the tacks was to keep everything fresh. i kept all the features within the squad, but i had a J Smooth verse on Rollin, im saving him for the remix. Cli- City was sposed to do a verse but he dont know a nigga so fuck it. Ima need @Noble if he want it. I have ALOT a songs that didnt make the cut, i lost track of alot of them when i got my new laptop maybe @Late122 can drop em if he still has them. most of them were unfinished tho. Might drop a deluxe edition with like 20 tracks

    S/O to @Late122 for mixing
    S/O @OllyCortez for the cover

    1. Chosen One (Feat. YungKwan)

    Was supposed to be for Kwan mixtape but i needed this shit lol

    2. No Reason

    3. Roller (Feat. Kai Dezzy)

    the last song i recorded for the tape, Just sent it to Kai today for him to do his verse

    4. Yellow Pill

    Some trippy shit

    5. Lost in this World

    prolly the realest song i ever done

    6. Me & My Cup

    an ode to my favorite Wayne song "Me & My Drank"

    7. Wish Upon Me

    Only reason i even did this song was cause people was acting like i cant have substance lol, i i fuck with the way it turned out tho

    8. Bag (Feat. Reek)

    Reek been my bro since 7th grade. We gotta mixtape coming out SOON too

    9. Rollin (Feat. YungKwan & Teeda)

    Did this song originally for Jsmooth & Cli. then cli never gave me his verse. then i was gonna put it on the EYEMOB tape with teeda and Kwan. but i fucked w it too hard not to throw it on here. REMIX COMING SOON

    10. Never Stop

    "I give thanks to my mom, Im the son of a goddess" real shit.

    11. We Cant Stop

    basically freestyled the whole song, only took me like 15 min to complete, the beat gave me an outro feel so i threw it on the tape
    Last edited by @Poyo_Kardashian; 11-16-2013, 06:19 PM.

  • #2
    Not my type of music, so in my opinion I didn't really like most of these songs tbh
    But then again, not my type of music, I'm pretty sure people who bang this type of shit tho will appreciate for whats it worth

    I do fuck with wish upon me, but not this version. I liked the original better imo, don't fuck with that double voice/autotune effects you added, the original sounded so much natural and better to me .

    We can't stop freestyle is dope too .

    But I couldn't jam out to most of these songs tbh, all the effects/autotune on it and simple lyrics kinda ruined it for me. Idk maybe its just me and what I listen , just being honest af .

    Are these all the songs to the tape or is there more?
    The borders should be illegal instead of the people, who were here before the bible and all of its sequels


    • #3
      Originally posted by TupacShaquer View Post
      Not my type of music, so in my opinion I didn't really like most of these songs tbh
      But then again, not my type of music, I'm pretty sure people who bang this type of shit tho will appreciate for whats it worth

      I do fuck with wish upon me, but not this version. I liked the original better imo, don't fuck with that double voice/autotune effects you added, the original sounded so much natural and better to me .

      We can't stop freestyle is dope too .

      But I couldn't jam out to most of these songs tbh, all the effects/autotune on it and simple lyrics kinda ruined it for me. Idk maybe its just me and what I listen , just being honest af .

      Are these all the songs to the tape or is there more?
      This is the complete tape as of now, the old wish upon me was too bland for me & wouldnt fit in with the tape. Preciate the feed tho bruh but yeah i know the type of music you listen too and I mean i could make a whole tape like that if i wanted to, its to boring TO ME. you aint like never stop and Lost in this world tho?


      • #4
        Only checking a few for now

        Rolla wasn't bad to me but came off as a Chief Keef wannabe. Maybe I'll like the final version much better.

        I really fuck with Me and My Cup. Me and My Drank is one of my favorite Wayne songs too. Caught subtle hints of other dedications to Wayne in there too. Really like this one.

        This Bag has a really good vibe to it. But your feature sounds lower quality than you. Did you record in the same place? Your voice on this is so funny to me lol. I fuck with it but it makes me laugh at the same time lol.

        Probably gonna come back and listen to more later. Don't hold me to that lol.

