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Do any of you guys own the game rock band? if so your mic will work on your comp i jus found out by accident. imgonna show an example of how you set it up n how it sounds so you can see how it sounds idk myself but shit im here to help out
Yeah hes right, it does work. And with alittle mastering/effects, it doesnt sound half bad. And to get it to work just plug it in to your USB post. And your good.
But also, you couldve just posted this in the studio/recording questions thread. I think you should change from "*Studio/Recrordings Questions Thread*" to "Official Official Studio/Recording Thread". People can ask questions about studio/recording. Help eachother with tips. Things like that in the thread. Cause not many people ask just about studio/recording, or not many people give tips. So combining them would help keep the Studio section organized. Ya dig.
One thing im gonna suggest is if you do decide to use do what ever you can to get POPFILTER for it you can even make a lil cheap one with household items... now its nots fullproof so i would also suggest you try and make the filter far enought to help it a lil more with the distance spread n so on.
one way to make one is Wire coat hanger with a panty hoes( aye i dont see why it wouldnt work) but yeah put your mic on your stand or what yo have holding your mic n then make the wire hanger into jus a long piece of wire than start tying it around your mic n then make a loop surrounding the mic intake then throw the panty hoes on it and wala... I've only heard this worked i never tried but if can even find a Ph than ill give that a try as well