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Flame Beats - R&B beat

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  • Flame Beats - R&B beat

    Just threw this together

    .................... ....................

  • #2
    i fuck with this man its to dope chill and shit i could imagine Drake or The Weeknd on this beat man forreal great work man keep it up



    • #3
      Originally posted by Lil_zimmie View Post
      i fuck with this man its to dope chill and shit i could imagine Drake or The Weeknd on this beat man forreal great work man keep it up
      kinda what I was going for.
      .................... ....................


      • #4
        +Contains real RnB style
        +Piano (as Sound and as compossition)
        +/- Quality
        +/- It could me a lil bit more variations
        -Some sounds I could change

        Man. Hmmmm. Rly good beat, it's going in. The strongest advantage here is that feeling, when u're hearing this beat and ur mind automaticly starts write lyrics in head, thats cool! Next thing is awesome Piano. Quality of this piano is on high lvl and this compossition is very accurate. Quality of whole song could be better a lil bit but anyway its above average. I understand its just promo and u can change final version many times but if u doing 4:30 long promos try to add some variations or smth. What I would change here is this hi hat at is very bad, I also would do this lead a lil bit louder, and that kick/tomb at biggining should be a lil lil lil bit blur in my opionion. That's all from me u got strong 4.1/5.

        Female voice: Weezy?
        Lil Wayne: Yeah?
        Female voice: Where u goin'?
        Lil Wayne: ...up!
        Female voice: You're goin' a lil' bit to far.
        Lil Wayne: Hihaaaaaaa!!!

        Weezy - Up Up & Away


        • #5
          Great, chill vibe. Good sounds... Great composition. Like Zim said, could see Drake over this kind of beat. Reminds me of some 40 "So Far Gone" shit. Would be good with an artist that could rap/sing. The tempo changes lend themselves well to flow switches.

          Mykill's Verdict: 4/5

