Re: Track Of the Month: November Edition!
a) I am not angry with my own life. I make deans list, I talk to a couple females (not hoes), and I'm on the baseball team for my school. You always make that excuse, denial? If people say the same thing for a long time, it's most likely true.
b) Congrats on the fresh cut dudeeee!!! Keep your long hair, because I really don't care. It is impossible to get pussy and be on the computer or in the studio (your bedroom) at the same time. You're not that cool. How do you skimboard everyday and sit on the forums 24 hours as well. You're right I know nothing about skimboarding, because I'm not a beach person. I have tried to skimboard, and failed.
c) Jay should have none it was him, yes. Then again jis name is Lil Jay not JRock Jr. so who cares. How is he Jrock jr.? Yes he is dumb for not knowing that.
d) Cigs make your teeth yellow and your lungs black. Gucci can suck a dick with his Newports. Because he talks about them that makes it cool. That means he sets a bad example. I would like to mention and remind you they are nasty and advice you to quit for our own personal safety/health. (seriously!)
e)I'm glad I am not racist like my dad because then I would be like you... a failure.
Please don't comment back because I have nothing else to say.
EDIT: One last thing before I stop responding, what girl is going to wake up bright and early to have sex with you guy? come on. Only if it was your girlfriend. You're never on in the mornings because you are sleeping, problem solved.
Originally posted by skimdudee420
b) Congrats on the fresh cut dudeeee!!! Keep your long hair, because I really don't care. It is impossible to get pussy and be on the computer or in the studio (your bedroom) at the same time. You're not that cool. How do you skimboard everyday and sit on the forums 24 hours as well. You're right I know nothing about skimboarding, because I'm not a beach person. I have tried to skimboard, and failed.
c) Jay should have none it was him, yes. Then again jis name is Lil Jay not JRock Jr. so who cares. How is he Jrock jr.? Yes he is dumb for not knowing that.
d) Cigs make your teeth yellow and your lungs black. Gucci can suck a dick with his Newports. Because he talks about them that makes it cool. That means he sets a bad example. I would like to mention and remind you they are nasty and advice you to quit for our own personal safety/health. (seriously!)
e)I'm glad I am not racist like my dad because then I would be like you... a failure.
Please don't comment back because I have nothing else to say.
EDIT: One last thing before I stop responding, what girl is going to wake up bright and early to have sex with you guy? come on. Only if it was your girlfriend. You're never on in the mornings because you are sleeping, problem solved.