Peacocks tail feathers
Got me peaking mesmerized
Peaked curious what
She carrying
Inside her world
Storm lit three wick
Melting wax goods
Burning oil in the air
Jumping over screen
Midnight puddled
All three wix burnt
Mixing fragrance in
Between empty space
Gone back purple mixed
Blue green black
Other colors all I seen
Under peacock tail feather
Something eyes stuck on
Trying to get in between
When I first entered the scene
Got me peaking mesmerized
Peaked curious what
She carrying
Inside her world
Storm lit three wick
Melting wax goods
Burning oil in the air
Jumping over screen
Midnight puddled
All three wix burnt
Mixing fragrance in
Between empty space
Gone back purple mixed
Blue green black
Other colors all I seen
Under peacock tail feather
Something eyes stuck on
Trying to get in between
When I first entered the scene