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  • Announcement!

    I just wanted to share an idea with you guys, and wanted to see how you react to it. Next year, I was planning on hosting a (Annual?) Studio Tournament. Yes its another crazy idea from me. But before you guys get put off, let me explain myself. It will be a tournament consisting of maybe up to 16 people. You all shall be paired against an opponent and according to the rule in each round you have to make a track.

    For example

    Round 1: Best verse talking about a certain topic
    Round 2: Best collab with another member of the studio
    Round 3: Everyone submits a beat and i randomly give everyone a beat. They must rap over the beat given. Ya dig?

    But thats just the start ya know, for this I would like help from Skimdude in hosting it. And volunteers would be welcomed.
    Yes im requesting help from young fire, for the biggest tournament of this site. More ideas are welcomed.

  • #2
    Re: Announcement!

    Cool idea bro.
    Cash Flow Ent


    • #3
      Re: Announcement!

      Im down to help. PM me with more details about it, and i can give some as welll!


      • #4
        Re: Announcement!

        yeah this shit sound legit
        Download All Of Dreezy's Music @


        • #5
          Re: Announcement!

          i like this i shall be down with it, and heres a idea make someone from the forum pick the beats.


          • #6
            Re: Announcement!


            The official judges for this tournament has been confirmed. Pestrator, Fredd and Myself, will be the people judging each match and round. Will keep you guys updated.


            • #7
              Re: Announcement!

              I think the judges should be different. It could be biased. Maybe have cody or someone be another judge.


              • #8
                Re: Announcement!

                Originally posted by skimdudee420
                I think the judges should be different. It could be biased. Maybe have cody or someone be another judge.
                Aight, ill set up a voting system, where the studio can vote their judges.


                • #9
                  Re: Announcement!

                  Originally posted by Safe_Kid
                  Originally posted by skimdudee420
                  I think the judges should be different. It could be biased. Maybe have cody or someone be another judge.
                  Aight, ill set up a voting system, where the studio can vote their judges.
                  I don't mind judging.



                  • #10
                    Re: Announcement!

                    Originally posted by Safe_Kid
                    Originally posted by skimdudee420
                    I think the judges should be different. It could be biased. Maybe have cody or someone be another judge.
                    Aight, ill set up a voting system, where the studio can vote their judges.
                    Okay thats fair. Obviously you're a judge. But we need 2 more.

                    I just think Pestrator and Fredd wouldnt be good. Ill break it down. Heres gunna be the competitors most likely.

                    Lil Jay
                    Lil Josh

                    And here how the judges pair up with the competitors..

                    Me -
                    Haikes -
                    YNR - Safe Kid, Pestrator, Fredd
                    Lil Jay - Safe Kid, Pestrator
                    Zach - Safe Kid, Pestrator
                    Lil Josh - Safe Kid
                    Dreezy -


                    • #11
                      Re: Announcement!

                      Originally posted by skimdudee420
                      Originally posted by Safe_Kid
                      Originally posted by skimdudee420
                      I think the judges should be different. It could be biased. Maybe have cody or someone be another judge.
                      Aight, ill set up a voting system, where the studio can vote their judges.
                      Okay thats fair. Obviously you're a judge. But we need 2 more.

                      I just think Pestrator and Fredd wouldnt be good. Ill break it down. Heres gunna be the competitors most likely.

                      Lil Jay
                      Lil Josh

                      And here how the judges pair up with the competitors..

                      Me -
                      Haikes -
                      YNR - Safe Kid, Pestrator, Fredd
                      Lil Jay - Safe Kid, Pestrator
                      Zach - Safe Kid, Pestrator
                      Lil Josh - Safe Kid
                      Dreezy -
                      I must insist on having a moderator as a judge.

                      However im pretty well affiliated with everyone in that list. And it will all depend on the track, if one of the judges are biased, then the other 2 can still turn the tables with their votes. But Pestrator doesn't seem to be biased, he gives feedback to everyone and you can't really say in general "hes gonna be biased because he hates me lol." There should be no Judges pair ups with competitors.

                      Edit: Another thing i gotta stress is you need to remember that these people will be going head to head with each other. Its not gonna be like CFE vs SS, but CFE vs CFE or even SS vs SS.


                      • #12
                        Re: Announcement!

                        Originally posted by skimdudee420
                        Originally posted by Safe_Kid
                        Originally posted by skimdudee420
                        I think the judges should be different. It could be biased. Maybe have cody or someone be another judge.
                        Aight, ill set up a voting system, where the studio can vote their judges.
                        Okay thats fair. Obviously you're a judge. But we need 2 more.

                        I just think Pestrator and Fredd wouldnt be good. Ill break it down. Heres gunna be the competitors most likely.

                        Lil Jay
                        Lil Josh

                        And here how the judges pair up with the competitors..

                        Me -
                        Haikes -
                        YNR - Safe Kid, Pestrator, Fredd
                        Lil Jay - Safe Kid, Pestrator
                        Zach - Safe Kid, Pestrator
                        Lil Josh - Safe Kid
                        Dreezy -

                        i see where ur cmoing from skim but i wont be biased i promise ill give my honest feedback on everyones track and ill crtique but not in a way any of yall take it in a way of hatin
                        so Safe and Skim if yall need a judge ill be one and wont be biased

