Welcome...to the final round of The Studio Tournament. We have our 2 finalist, who have braved through all the tasks set in the previous rounds. Dreezy Baby and LIl Josh, who were a team in the Semi Finals will now be going head to head with each other in the finals. The aim of this round will be pretty simple. Same rules apply from the last round, but this time you are allowed to diss your opponent, and you will be judged on your disses too. (Friendly disses -_- nothing out of hand) This will be a test of lyrics, and nerve.
Introducing the Judges:
Rules of the Final Round:
-You must rap over 32 bars!
-You must find your own beat
-Following on from the previous rule, you must PM where you found that beat and who produced it. E.g. Youtube/soundclick/LWHQ page
-You must PM your track to me BEFORE the deadline.
-You can only submit ONE track
-You cannot submit tracks that were made previously or before todays date.
-Breaking any of the above rules will get you disqualified.
-Your track DOES NOT have to have any disses in it, but if your opponents one does, then he/she is more likely to win. You WILL be judged lyrically.
Introducing our participants:
Dreezy Baby:
The Studio savage, one of the veterans of this studio community. Its no surprise hes in the finals. Hes also a popular youtube rapper, and you can understand why hes known, hes releasing his 20th Mixtape (GTA V2). That shows his dedication and love for the game. I doubt he'll be holding back in the finals, he'll be wanting to add another trophy to his collection.
Lil Josh
The underdog of this match, he is relatively new to the studio community, but take nothing away from him. If he can make it this far, whats to stop him from going all the way? He is yet to release an official Mixtape here, however he has been collaborating with alot of Studio members and has got himself heard.
Good Luck!
Deadline: 10th February!