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This use to be the thread had some good time on this one lol
they said i couldn't play football i was too small
they said i couldn't play basketball i wasn't tall
they said i couldn't play baseball at all
& now everyday of my life I BALL !
So this girl I've had a crush for the longest time finally started to talk with me couple weeks ago and since that we hanged out and talked everyday and yesterday she invited me to a party where were like everybody and I couldn't make it there and we txted the whole day and today i find out that she gave a fucking bj to my friend
So this girl I've had a crush for the longest time finally started to talk with me couple weeks ago and since that we hanged out and talked everyday and yesterday she invited me to a party where were like everybody and I couldn't make it there and we txted the whole day and today i find out that she gave a fucking bj to my friend