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Worst Injury You've Ever Had?

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  • #37
    Re: Worst Injury You've Ever Had?

    Originally posted by JrockHQ View Post
    Bone penetrated my skin, twisted & broke while rollerblading.

    On my porch i was walking around barefoot and a big ass spider appeared out of no where, i swept my foot back and 7 inches of wood went though my left foot.

    Riding my bike on a downhill going at least 25-30 mph saw a car coming from the right and went right into a grassy bumb near a crave, dislocated and separated my patella (big ball thing in the middle of your leg) all layers of that part of my skin was gone.

    Got a couple more but that will do. Way more cautious now.
    Holy crap. You need a bubble lol
    Originally posted by ian View Post
    Broke my wrist and on the way to the hospital I tripped and broke it even more.

    "Mind so sharp I fuck around and cut my head off"


    • #38
      Re: Worst Injury You've Ever Had?

      Originally posted by YMCMFAN View Post
      Fell out of a tree and sprained my shoulder.

      Pulled a muscle in my neck doing the bullet dodge thing from The Matrix.
      LMAO epic!!

      Never got that badly hurt....well thing that pissed me off, I was a tomboy as a kid, then when I was like 13 I FINALLY got all my scars off from my wild days. SMH decided to go rollerblading down this steep hill while holding my friend's bike so it'd go faster. My blade hit the edge of the grass(it was sidewalk), and I fell n got dragged scraped my elbow, stomach and both knees. I couldnt even bend my legs the next day. I still have those damn scars.


      • #39
        Re: Worst Injury You've Ever Had?

        Worst injury I ever had was I broke my middle finger while playing Football


        • #40
          Re: Worst Injury You've Ever Had?

          I'm sad that nobody has posted pics in this thread but me Lol

          "Mind so sharp I fuck around and cut my head off"


          • #41
            Re: Worst Injury You've Ever Had?

            When I was like 12 or 13 I riding my bike down this dirt road on a hill and hit a little pot hole. Flipped over the handle bars and slid down the road a good 10 feet on my stomach. Had a shit ton of cuts and everything...Then later in the day I had a baseball game. FML.


            • #42
              Re: Worst Injury You've Ever Had?

              Originally posted by Skullcandy365.erichq View Post
              When I was like 12 or 13 I riding my bike down this dirt road on a hill and hit a little pot hole. Flipped over the handle bars and slid down the road a good 10 feet on my stomach. Had a shit ton of cuts and everything...Then later in the day I had a baseball game. FML.
              Damn... That blows haha

              I got clotheslined by barbed wire once lol

              "Mind so sharp I fuck around and cut my head off"


              • #43
                Re: Worst Injury You've Ever Had?

                Originally posted by wolverinebball11 View Post
                I'm sad that nobody has posted pics in this thread but me Lol
                I didn't make any pictures of my butt dude, if you don't mind.


                • #44
                  Re: Worst Injury You've Ever Had?

                  Originally posted by Woocky View Post
                  I didn't make any pictures of my butt dude, if you don't mind.
                  I think I can handle not seeing that one

                  "Mind so sharp I fuck around and cut my head off"


                  • #45
                    Re: Worst Injury You've Ever Had?

                    Originally posted by Woocky View Post
                    I didn't make any pictures of my butt dude, if you don't mind.
                    Lol! funny..

                    Everybody come here with sick injuries.. I've never even broke somethin'! -It's crazy smh @ me.


                    • #46
                      Re: Worst Injury You've Ever Had?

                      1) When i was 8 i was ridin my bike in my back yard somehow my foot slipped form the the metal pedal and the pedal slashed the inside of my leg, i have a scar, might post later.

                      And loads of sports injuries like Pulled Hamstring,strains, arh and once i fucked up a muscle in my chest doing press-ups
                      Syrup, percocet, and an eighth a day will leave you broke, depressed, and emotionally vacant
                      Despite how Lil' Wayne lives
                      It's not conducive to being creative
                      And I know cause he's my favorite
                      And I know cause I was off that same mix
                      Rationalize the shit that I'd try after I listen to "Dedication"
                      But he's an alien
                      I'd sip that shit
                      Pass out or play PlayStation.


                      • #47
                        Re: Worst Injury You've Ever Had?

                        Originally posted by Stryder View Post
                        1) When i was 8 i was ridin my bike in my back yard somehow my foot slipped form the the metal pedal and the pedal slashed the inside of my leg, i have a scar, might post later.

                        And loads of sports injuries like Pulled Hamstring,strains, arh and once i fucked up a muscle in my chest doing press-ups
                        Worst Sport Injury I Had Was About 3 Weeks Ago I Was Doing Pull-Up's On A Bar About 7 Foot Up I Done About 30 And Strained My Arm And Stomach So Much. I Couldn't Wirte For A Week.


                        • #48
                          Re: Worst Injury You've Ever Had?

                          I tore my ACL in my anlkle in a varsity basketball game, and never been the same. I cant play anymore cuz my ankle never healed properly.

