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he either knows the person in charge or he's happy he found more people to fight against the saviours
SPOILERThat's what I'm thinking, I don't get why Gabriel took them there though. I expect the boots they (Ric and that other dude) saw at that floating trailer where they found all that loot was someone they knew from the group they got surronded by at the end there
Read the comics and pay close attention to the minor changes they make, it's all still fitting the same story line and character arcs, i think they just changed around the maybe the group of women and children are from Gabriel's church? or even maybe they are the Whisperers but they switched it up since they use zombie flesh to blend it
i think its brand new group, and rick will show em who the real enemy is (they figured saviors took most of their supplies, and not really rick), so they will join with rick, and after that Hilltop and Kingdom, and Oceanic will join with Rick, and BAM Negan is done in season 8, put in the locks..season 8 mid finale, we see the Whisperers, season 9 is all whisperers with Nick from FTWD being one of them, and from that point I think season 10 should be the ending of TWD, either make em all die or be poetic, let Eugene figure out a cure or something, and that's it for TWD.
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Knowing TWD and producers, they will stretch all that shit till season 15 lol
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I hope they realize Carl is not going to be a kid any longer, you cant play 22 yo as a kid lol, he's already 17 now
i think its brand new group, and rick will show em who the real enemy is (they figured saviors took most of their supplies, and not really rick), so they will join with rick, and after that Hilltop and Kingdom, and Oceanic will join with Rick, and BAM Negan is done in season 8, put in the locks..season 8 mid finale, we see the Whisperers, season 9 is all whisperers with Nick from FTWD being one of them, and from that point I think season 10 should be the ending of TWD, either make em all die or be poetic, let Eugene figure out a cure or something, and that's it for TWD.
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Knowing TWD and producers, they will stretch all that shit till season 15 lol
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I hope they realize Carl is not going to be a kid any longer, you cant play 22 yo as a kid lol, he's already 17 now
What are whisperers? And are they really going to merge FTWD with TWD?
What are whisperers? And are they really going to merge FTWD with TWD?
It's a new group, that comes after Saviors, I won't spoil anything for you, but they are creepy and awesome lol, and they are coming I'll just tell you, they use similar method that Nick from FTWD uses when he walks with zombies, in herds.. they do something like that but better..So that's why I think Nick will be with them, eventually. And they won't merge whole story, I think they will let one or two characters join TWD, IMO it will be Nick.