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Originally posted by TinyPenisProductionsView Post
I have told them that, n they say that "this family doesn't promote or use drugs" while they are drinking wine...n im like fuck that nigga, its more healthy than that shit.
Yea my friends got caught too n their parents are like "Dont do it around the house"
Mine be like "you ever do it again we are calling the cops on ya n we are homeschooling you"
So i told em straight up when i am 18 i am getting a medical card n then idgaf what they think because they cant pull me out of school n it would be legal
Do you have to be 21 years old in Colorado to smoke without a medical card?
Do you have to be 21 years old in Colorado to smoke without a medical card?
Same rules as alcohol, except there is this bullshit rule about driving where you cant have over 5 nanograms in your system.
5 nanograms is so fucking small, if you where at a party, didnt even smoke n only inhaled second hand smoke, then 1 week later you get tested you will get a DUI
Originally posted by dametri426
nigga jay z lips are average size
Originally posted by Waynasite
Have you never practiced putting a condom on and masturbating with it on so that when that time comes you won't be a fail
"I see you got yourself a little business going.
Well, that's good, that's good when you make that paper but when you makin' paper you gotta learn some rules too.
You gotta learn the difference between guns and butter.
There's two types of niggas in this world: they're niggas with guns and niggas with butter.
Now what are guns?
The guns, that's the real estate.
It's stocks and bonds, artwork, you know the shit you appreciate with value.
What's the butter?
Cars, clothes, jewelry.
All that other bullshit that don't mean shit after you buy it.
That is what it's all about, guns and butter baby! Lil dumb mothafuckas"