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# The Official Random Topic Thread

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  • Originally posted by KidComet View Post
    Protien shakes brah.
    There are some with 1000 calories per serving. You drink 3 a day and get the rest from your regular meals but il tell you , I have neve drank 3 a day. After just one I'm full forever.
    Yeah ur right, I also would drink just 1 a day... 3 is too much and it wouldnt last long.
    After workout I used to drink one and felt full for a few hours lol

    Originally posted by Theonlydjorkaeff View Post
    Tbh I binge before I sleep. So I eat shit. Cream, butter, bagels, croissants, cake. And I eat four meals a day

    Breakfast 3 eggs, half cup of beans, 2 pieces of toast buttered

    Lunch 2 ham sandwiches, 3 Crispbreads, tbps of peanut butter

    Protein shake

    Chicken breast and veggies

    After dinner I go HAM on YM refrigerator. Eat until I can't stand up then eat a little more
    Hmm, so I gues im gonna have 4 meals a day too + drink protein shakes..
    idk if its rly healthy tho to eat that much but thats what you gotta do if you wanna gain weight I guess


    • Originally posted by WeezySVK View Post
      Yeah ur right, I also would drink just 1 a day... 3 is too much and it wouldnt last long.
      After workout I used to drink one and felt full for a few hours lol

      Hmm, so I gues im gonna have 4 meals a day too + drink protein shakes..
      idk if its rly healthy tho to eat that much but thats what you gotta do if you wanna gain weight I guess
      Just hit the gym 3 days a week and buy protien suppliment. Work out right, eat good & rest good and you'll blow up in a few months.

      It's Tunechi Homie, Master Of Ceremonies.


      • Originally posted by WeezySVK View Post
        Yeah ur right, I also would drink just 1 a day... 3 is too much and it wouldnt last long.
        After workout I used to drink one and felt full for a few hours lol

        Hmm, so I gues im gonna have 4 meals a day too + drink protein shakes..
        idk if its rly healthy tho to eat that much but thats what you gotta do if you wanna gain weight I guess
        Sorry bro, it's what's you gotta do if you struggle to gain weight. You can't eat an extra piece of toast at breakfast and aim to put on weight.

        I was severely anorexic, and I put on 20kg in about 10 months. I had to triple what I ate, and then after six months, I had to double that again. Now, I've been stuck at the same weight for about another 8 months. 3500 is my MINIMUM on days I work out.

        It looks like a lot of food, but you can choose to stay skinny if you want, no one is stopping you.


        • On a cold and snowy and rather disheartening day in January (towards the end of the month), the #1 Stunnaman aka Birdman aka Stunna used the dragon ball on his head to summon the great and almighty Shenron.

          via Imgflip Meme Maker

          After witnessing Cash Money fall apart, the Bryan Williams had only but one wish.

          Before the great dragon appeared Birdman had been reciting to himself,

          "Oh lawd, what have I done? We have come so far but it looks like I am at the end of my adventures. Tyga is gone, Wayne is gone. Now Drake is gonna leave. That's like the whole damn label. Brrrrr, it's a cold world playboi sometimes you know. I don't know what the fuck I'mma do now. Looks like I gotta get Young Thug gay ass to sign me with somehow, start from scratch. I'm gonna get demoted, it's over."

          Then out of nowhere,

          via Imgflip Meme Maker

          "I don't know what to do Shenron, you made me so fucking rich. I could practically swim in my money. I am one of the most sukksessfull buzinessman in the world, I put a superstar on my back. And 2 other supastarz, I am very well respeckted and I am practicklly a God in New Orleans. But now errybody hating me, I don't know what to do. Playboi I only have one last wish this time, for in exchange of the dragon ball on my head I wish you to make me more attracktive. 4 so long I thought the face tattoos were awwesome, but now I c most people r afraid o' me. Even my wife ain't been wanting 2 talk with me, niggas think I'm some kind of rapist. Shenron, can you make me more good looking? Like Wayne ole sexy ass, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Make me like that, brrrrrrrrr."

          BIRDMAN, that wish is even too great for me -- the great Shenron. You on your own nigga! Good luck!! HAHA.
          Last edited by nickiminajsitonmyface; 01-27-2015, 10:17 PM.
          המוסד למודיעין ולתפקידים מיוחדים


          • I'm craving chocolate, but I'm on a diet, so I bought my husband some chocolate. Then ate some of his. Oops


            • Originally posted by DesertRose View Post
              I'm craving chocolate, but I'm on a diet, so I bought my husband some chocolate. Then ate some of his. Oops
              המוסד למודיעין ולתפקידים מיוחדים


              • Originally posted by DesertRose View Post
                I'm craving chocolate, but I'm on a diet, so I bought my husband some chocolate. Then ate some of his. Oops
                [MENTION=60086]KidComet[/MENTION] you got her pregnant already?


                • Originally posted by ProBitaz. View Post
                  Can't remember the last time I had a Wayne song on repeat, but I really feel that 'Fingers Hurting' track and play it a lot. Whole tape is good, but since I don't listen to much music like I used to, this is the song that I've had on the loop.
                  but its one of the worst songs on the tape


                  • Originally posted by Lucifer View Post
                    but its one of the worst songs on the tape
                    No its not

                    It's Tunechi Homie, Master Of Ceremonies.


                    • Originally posted by KnockMeOut View Post
                      Who remembers this forum in like lake 2009/early 2010?
                      Not me


                      • Originally posted by DesertRose View Post
                        I'm craving chocolate, but I'm on a diet, so I bought my husband some chocolate. Then ate some of his. Oops
                        Originally posted by legendarytunechi View Post
                        [MENTION=60086]KidComet[/MENTION] you got her pregnant already?


                        • was busting for a shiit this afternoon so i thought for the first time ever id use the public toilets. i walk in there and there was only 2 toilets in there, both taken. so i stood by the sink holding in this mega boris. all i could think about was how good this will feel after i unleash the demon within, and while standing i could slowly feel the head leave its mark on my undies. 5 minutes pass and im still waiting in the quiet, listening to grunting and the 'plop' sound of the boris hitting the water. i couldnt hold this in any further, so i had to sya something. "how long will you guys be?". no answer. "i need to shit real bad i can feel it coming". "shutup and wait your turn" he says. another minute passses and usually i can hold this in but today was real bad. i couldnt do it any longer, so was time for plan b, shit in the sink. pulled down my pants and started grunting loudly and you could hear the boris slide down the sink. one of the guys then yelled "what the fuk r u doing" and opened his door, so i flashed my penis at him. he qikly closed the door and then i heard the toilet paper begin to roll. i only got one shit out but it was enuf, i used the paper towels to wipe my ass, and turned on the hand dryer so the hot air would make the shit smell even more. i heard his belt buckle and as i ran out i yelled "dont forget to wash your hands" and threw one of my paper towels with shit on it over in his cubicle.

