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My cousin got his 22 year old girl pregnant, and the bitch got kicked out her house I guess, and his mom don't want her to stay with them. So they told the pregnant female to ask my sister if she could stay with them. I overheard the conversation, and quickly said no, were not related, your so called boyfriend has tons of relatives who live around here, why must you stay here?
She didn't have an answer, Fucking hate when these stupid fuckers try to take advantage of my sister
My cousin got his 22 year old girl pregnant, and the bitch got kicked out her house I guess, and his mom don't want her to stay with them. So they told the pregnant female to ask my sister if she could stay with them. I overheard the conversation, and quickly said no, were not related, your so called boyfriend has tons of relatives who live around here, why must you stay here?
She didn't have an answer, Fucking hate when these stupid fuckers try to take advantage of my sister
somewhat fucked up how her parents put her out and your cousins parents also.
those are they're grandchildren and will resent it in the near future
So the lakers and thunder play tomorrow, i made a bet with my friend (thunder fan) if lakers win he has to do the chicken noodle soup dance in all our periods together, 1&5, and if oklahoma wins then i have to do it