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Why don't you believe in there being a god?

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  • Re: Why don't you believe in there being a god?

    Originally posted by DeezyMac View Post
    People who believe in God and believe in Religion are afraid of the world. They're unsure about their own mortality, so they use God as "reassurance" that "everything is safe as long as I have You." To me, it's a form of naivety. I used to believe in God. I use to practive Baptism and went to church. But ironically, my going to a Catholic School from grade 6-12 really turned me away from it. The more they taught, the more fictitious everything seemed. It's as if they knew it was bullshit, but were still desperately trying to spread the beliefs. Idk.

    So I'm afraid of the world? gtfo of here with that shit.


    • Re: Why don't you believe in there being a god?

      Lol. Chill with the sensitivity. You completely marginalized the follow up point I was trying to make and focused on what you took to be an "insult" I'm guessing. Wasn't insulting anyone. But let me ask you though, why do you believe in God? Or anything dealing with "faith" of that matter? What makes you believe that there is a higher power?

      What's A Goon To A Willem Dafoe.


      • Re: Why don't you believe in there being a god?

        Originally posted by DeezyMac View Post
        Lol. Chill with the sensitivity. You completely marginalized the follow up point I was trying to make and focused on what you took to be an "insult" I'm guessing. Wasn't insulting anyone. But let me ask you though, why do you believe in God? Or anything dealing with "faith" of that matter? What makes you believe that there is a higher power?
        I'll answer you if you tell me why you don't, I always wanted to here it from a atheist, and don't give me that bible bullshit please.


        • Re: Why don't you believe in there being a god?

          Everyone has their reasons why they don't believe in God. Growing up, I was always taught people have a "personal relationship" with Him. Without going too much into detail, I'll just say that I never felt I had mine. There's too much bad in my world for me to even begin to believe that there's a "All Loving, All Forgiving" being.

          What's A Goon To A Willem Dafoe.


          • Re: Why don't you believe in there being a god?

            Originally posted by DeezyMac View Post
            Everyone has their reasons why they don't believe in God. Growing up, I was always taught people have a "personal relationship" with Him. Without going too much into detail, I'll just say that I never felt I had mine. There's too much bad in my world for me to even begin to believe that there's a "All Loving, All Forgiving" being.
            Oh OK, I imo I'd rather you say theres no proof, then saying Theres too much bad, that'd defeat the purpose of even having a God real or fake. OK I'm done now.


            • Re: Why don't you believe in there being a god?

              lol at this...well i beleive on god, maybe u dont...thats u
              but that doesnt make me afraid from something, its how i was raised and i always feel that he is beside me, even tho i never saw him, but i still know that he does exist
              others beleive on science, but thats them.. and ya science does have alot of great info, but as much as i read about the universe and the planets. it brings me closer in beleiving on god even more...buts thats me
              Originally posted by Shake
              Why so negative all the time???


              • Re: Why don't you believe in there being a god?

                Originally posted by marcusgettin View Post
                Oh OK, I imo I'd rather you say theres no proof, then saying Theres too much bad, that'd defeat the purpose of even having a God real or fake. OK I'm done now.
                theres no proof, the fact that u wake up everyday is proof. Look outside and look at the sky. Who made that. Man??? No God, Look at space, Humans, Everything. Thats God.

                ---------- Post added at 04:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:47 PM ----------

                Originally posted by vocker View Post
                lol at this...well i beleive on god, maybe u dont...thats u
                but that doesnt make me afraid from something, its how i was raised and i always feel that he is beside me, even tho i never saw him, but i still know that he does exist
                others beleive on science, but thats them.. and ya science does have alot of great info, but as much as i read about the universe and the planets. it brings me closer in beleiving on god even more...buts thats me
                its not just you, hasent science said the world was gunna like 100 times?? WRONG. Also in the BIBLE all the signs of the End of the world are happening now. Signs in the sky, disasters, etc. To me EVERYTHING in The BIBLE Has came true in my life
                The Greatest Basketball Player In The Game Today
                LeBron James


                • Re: Why don't you believe in there being a god?

                  because people are suffering?


                  • Re: Why don't you believe in there being a god?

                    Originally posted by Young Soo Woopa View Post
                    theres no proof, the fact that u wake up everyday is proof. Look outside and look at the sky. Who made that. Man??? No God, Look at space, Humans, Everything. Thats God.
                    You and the word proof, stfu child. Did god make you Wayne's cousin? So stfu about proof.

                    There are many different things one can believe and that does not matter, because it is their opinion but I just do not see why people insist on worshiping and praising an unknown being. I believe in God, but I do no have SOLID PROOF, that he created everything. I will continue to believe in him and everything that the bible has taught as well, but the things that it has taught are hard to believe.


                    • Re: Why don't you believe in there being a god?

                      I'm Jewish, but I know there is no such thing as god. Never believed in him/her but I respect people's beliefs if they do.

                      IMO, god is just an object we put hope into to achieve things that is out of our control.


                      • Re: Why don't you believe in there being a god?

                        Originally posted by Young Soo Woopa View Post
                        1. theres no proof, the fact that u wake up everyday is proof. Look outside and look at the sky. Who made that. Man??? No God, Look at space, Humans, Everything. Thats God.[COLOR="Silver"]

                        2. Also in the BIBLE all the signs of the End of the world are happening now. Signs in the sky, disasters, etc. To me EVERYTHING in The BIBLE Has came true in my life
                        1. Shut up. Just shut up.

                        2. Everything in the bible has come true in your life? So you have a wife that obeys everything you say, and helps you in physical fights?


                        • Re: Why don't you believe in there being a god?

                          Originally posted by Cody View Post
                          You and the word proof, stfu child. Did god make you Wayne's cousin? So stfu about proof.

                          There are many different things one can believe and that does not matter, because it is their opinion but I just do not see why people insist on worshiping and praising an unknown being. I believe in God, but I do no have SOLID PROOF, that he created everything. I will continue to believe in him and everything that the bible has taught as well, but the things that it has taught are hard to believe.
                          Thats a Contradiction

