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  • American Sniper


    Foxcatcher was good but I was a little let down with that, I think I had really high expectations, and I was really looking forward to it for ages. I think the ads made you assume a couple of things with the film before seeing it. Still good regardless.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Really looking forward to Whiplash.


    • Originally posted by Kuzz View Post
      American Sniper
      Yep you should defiantly look forward to Whiplash. Really intense and powerful film.

      Funny, I haven't seen either of those you pointed out there, yet. All will be soon though. I got Fury ready so that will probably be tomorrow, or in a few days when I feel like it. Birdman is on Wednesday, the 14th, and I'm SO looking forward to that! And I got American Sniper on the 23rd...


      • Originally posted by ProBitaz. View Post
        Yep you should defiantly look forward to Whiplash. Really intense and powerful film.

        Funny, I haven't seen either of those you pointed out there, yet. All will be soon though. I got Fury ready so that will probably be tomorrow, or in a few days when I feel like it. Birdman is on Wednesday, the 14th, and I'm SO looking forward to that! And I got American Sniper on the 23rd...
        Fury is a bit Hollywood but I loved it. Great cast and a good film.

        I'm just about to watch Whiplash now...

        Looks like you got a good month a head of you

        - - - Updated - - -
        [MENTION=29841]ProBitaz.[/MENTION] never sweat so much watching a film...


        • Originally posted by Kuzz View Post
          @ProBitaz. never sweat so much watching a film...
          Same! I would almost discribe it as an intense thriller at some points. So powerful! Glad you liked it (judging from your amount of sweat lol heh)


          • Who already saw Birdman?

            Can't wait to see that.


            • i know it's not a movie, but my god ......'2 broke girls' is honestly the worst tv show I have ever seen, the acting and jokes honestly make me cringe, the acting in porn is better tbh


              • Originally posted by Mnjaro View Post
                i know it's not a movie, but my god ......'2 broke girls' is honestly the worst tv show I have ever seen, the acting and jokes honestly make me cringe, the acting in porn is better tbh
                All sitcoms are unfunny to me


                • Originally posted by YMCMB357 View Post
                  All sitcoms are unfunny to me
                  you probably didnt watch friends homey

                  It's Tunechi Homie, Master Of Ceremonies.


                  • Originally posted by LilTunƎchi View Post
                    you probably didnt watch friends homey
                    Nope I never did, but from what I've seen of it I don't think I would of found it funny either


                    • Originally posted by YMCMB357 View Post
                      Nope I never did, but from what I've seen of it I don't think I would of found it funny either
                      U might wanna give it a try, it's real comedy right there, not like these days sitcoms. The only flawless comedy show imo. They kept the good quality until the last seasons.

                      It's Tunechi Homie, Master Of Ceremonies.


                      • watched Matilda last night and that is a classic for sure

                        protect dunston at all costs


                        • I don't get tired of watching anchorman 2 lmao

                          Will ferrel is goat

                          It's Tunechi Homie, Master Of Ceremonies.

